Sunday, May 18, 2014

WARNING : Scammer posing as US Marine

Do you know the US Marine pictured in these photos?

Today we had contact with a lady in Florida who had been communicating with a man claiming to be a US Marine for the last six months.  It started out as friendly emails back and fourth but ended up with him asking to send him money transfers.

The person in these photos may in fact be a US Marine however someone is using his photos with cruel intentions.

If you know who he actually is please leave a comment on our Facebook Post or a comment on this blog.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tim Hortons - National Day of Honour Fail

The National Day Of Honour was on May 9th, 2014 to honour all Canadian men & women who served during the Afghanistan mission.   On May 6th Tim Hortons posted the following on their web page.

Their Twitter post was one of the most retweeted updates on the National Day Of Honour tag and not long after posting this on our "Thank A Soldier" Facebook page we began receiving messages & comments from military members (That were in full uniform) who went to their local Tim Hortons after the National Day Of Honour parades and were told that such a promo didn't exist and they would have to pay for their coffees.

The post on our Facebook page received 45 shares and was seen by 19,000 people.

Here's the update on their website.

Also the following was posted on their Twitter feed.

Numerous messages like this began to come in : 

I guess the "Memo" never made it to all Tim Hortons as we have reports now from over one hundred members of the Canadian Forces who went to Tim Horton's locations in eight different provinces and were told they never received any word of such a promotion from head office and were told they would have to pay for their coffees regardless of what day it was.

Almost 24 hours ago I posted the following on our @Thankasoldier Twitter feed but received no reply from @TimHortons on Twitter.

My question to Tim Horton's is that if you are going to post something on your web page & on your national Twitter feed wouldn't you make sure that every location in Canada is aware of it to avoid this kind of thing?

If you went to a Timmies on the National Day of Honour and were told the same thing feel free to leave a comment on this blog.


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Losing Weight To Help Homeless & at risk Veterans

In September 2013 I started a weight-loss challenge and as I have tried and failed many times I wanted to come up with a way to stay motivated and not fail again.  "Lose For Food" was born.  I decided I was going to help out two charities with my mission "The Calgary Food Bank" & "V.E.T.S Canada"

I pledged that I would donate $1.00 for every pound I lost in the next 365 days as well as one pound of food for every pound that I lose to the Calgary Food Bank.

Here we are almost nine months later and I have lost 70lbs so far.

Yesterday while checking my email I noticed an email from Anytime Fitness which is the gym where I currently work out.  The email stated they were starting a contest called "Get 10,000 & Give 10,000"

They're giving away $10,000 to the most inspiring story and that person receives $10,000 to pay it forward to someone.

I instantly thought of the folks at V.E.T.S Canada to receive the $10k as I have worked very closely with them over the past few years and have seen first hand the great work they do with Veterans who need assistance.

What would I do with the $10,000 I receive if I win this?  The first thing I will do is buy my lbs in weight-loss in food and donate it to the Calgary Food Bank and top that donation up to $500 along side of it.

I also found out back in November that me and my lady are going to be having our first child in the first few weeks of July.  This money would help us out a lot with things we're going to need for the little one.

A lot of people have asked how I'm losing the weight well the answer is simple, I'm working my a$$ off.  I go to the gym five times a week now and do cardio every day and some circuit training every 2nd day.  I have cut out junk food, pop and take out food and replaced with healthy meals & drink a lot of water.

The original pledge I made to the Calgary Food Bank & VETS Canada helps me stay motivated.  On days when I don't feel like going to the gym I think about the people I'm going to be able to help if I keep working hard and that usually lights a fire under me.

The "Give 10k Get 10k" contest is for all of North America so it's going to take a lot to help us take this one home and be able to donate $10,000 to V.E.T.S Canada as well.

Please consider going to the link below and sending a vote my way & sharing the link to this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ ect.

If you have never heard of our "Thank A Soldier" page and efforts feel free to check out "The History of Thank A Soldier" 

Thank You
Dave M. - Calgary, AB