Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Thank A Soldier Member Survey

On December 8th 2011 "Thank A Soldier" Facebook will turn three years old and currently has 4,174,808 members which is amazing and I thank you all for being a part of it. Thank A Soldier Facebook is the largest military group in existence and has also won a Mashable Award for best of social media.

You will find the link to the survey below but I wanted to share with you some quick facts:

Thank A Soldier Members 4,174,808
YouTube Video Views : 271,416
Thank A Soldier Montly views : 150,000
Number of letters sent to soldiers as Pen Pals : over 8000
Countries represented on TAS Monthly traffic page : 47

Those are some pretty amazing numbers and please if you have any suggestions feel free to click the comment link below or email INFO@THANKAOLDIER.Net

Thank You

Please also check out our current Projects:


  1. I assume that's INFO@THANKASOLDIER.Net ;)

    Having filled out the survey, and thought about what I'd like most out of TAS, may I suggest that more interactivity within the community be promoted?

    Perhaps a yahoo group (or similar) where members can start and follow conversations - with minimal additional time requirements from yourself. I find the Facebook page nearly impossible as a place for discussion, and only a few people seem to comment regularly on this blog, but with a more focused-by-the-topic location such as in a yahoo group, we could talk out ideas of showing support more freely. We could also "sticky" some information, that perhaps would lessen the number of repetitive inquiries you must receive.

    If a yahoo group got off the ground, I would be willing to act as a moderator!

    Thank-you for what you do!

  2. Are you looking for free YouTube Views?
    Did you know you can get these ON AUTOPILOT & TOTALLY FREE by registering on Add Me Fast?
