Friday, December 28, 2012

The TAS Year In Review

As we near 2013 I thought it would be interesting to take a look back on 2012 on our Facebook page and our blog and share our top TEN photos and posts.  These are the most viewed stories of 2012 and the most shared photos that were the most viral.

The photos will be ranked according to the "Number of people reached" via Shares & likes and how many new members it brought to the page.  The blog posts will be strictly ranked according to the total number of views they received. 

(Clicking on the list will take you to each story)

10. In Memory of Frank N. Boosamra 
9. The Most Inspiring Veteran I Know - MCpl Jody Mitic
8. Happy 5th Birthday - Thank A Soldier 
7. From The Sandbox To The Cage - Shane Kruchten
6. What Is A Hero - By Jim Seggie
5. Petition to release a stamp honouring the PPCLI 
4. V.E.T.S Canada Donation Drive
3. Christmas Cards for Veterans  
2. The Order Of St. George - My Thoughts
1. Leave No Veteran Behind 

Here are our TOP TEN photo of the year in order of "Reach" via Likes & Shares


Photo of Canadian Forces delivering food to the Calgary Foodbank

A poppy made for a teacher who lost a good friend overseas by a kindergaten student

Photo of Dave Murphy (TAS) being Knighted into The Order Of St. George

Photo received for our "Poppy Photo Project"
Photo of the SOT Car


Photo of some awesome Christmas decorations

Photo of a drawing done by my 8 year old niece in Ontario for Remembrance Day


This photo was our most shared in our history, had almost 7000 shares and reached a total of 189,000 people 
Thank you all for being a part of our page for the last year and helping us continue to do the work we do.

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