Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fake Starbucks Email circulating again

Last night someone messaged me a post about how "Starbucks doesn't support the troops" and how they should be boycotted.  I knew this was instantly false with my work with the folks at Hero To Hero US & Hero To Hero Team Canada.

This is a write up from their site  you can read their full write up here from 2003

What?! You heard Starbucks doesn't support the troops? That is soooo 2003 ... And so not true! You've probably gotten a copy of that old email -- I can't get an e-mail out about the good things being done for the troops but that e-mail goes round & round! Here's the retraction to that original e-mail and the facts behind the whole fiasco.  

I noticed that the fake post had over 120,000 shares, I'm posting this to see how many the REAL story can receive.

The Hero to Hero US program is not currently in operation but the Hero To Hero Team Canada program does continue.  You can check them out here


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