Friday, May 24, 2013

Sapper Brian Collier on Saturday Memorial Hockey Tournament

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to spread the word about the memorial ball hockey tournament my family and I are coordinating for my brother, Sapper Brian Collier on Saturday. Brian was killed on 20 July, 2010 at the young age of 24, in Afghanistan while deployed with the Canadian Forces. Brian was an adventurous, whole hearted, amazing guy and loved sports. 

Brian played hockey all his life, so we thought this was a perfect way to honour him.

 If anyone is around the area and would like to come out for it, you are more than welcome. It is being held in Bradford, Ontario on Brian Collier Way. It is an outdoor tournament with Tim Horton's (in the morning), a BBQ, a silent auction, special guests Johnny Bower (a WWII veteran), the Good Brothers and some of Brian's comrades from Afghanistan. 

All of the money raised on Saturday will be donated to the scholarship funds that we have set up at the local high schools, Heart of a Hero, the Wounded Warriors fund, and to the Bradford Ball Hockey Association. 

We hope you can come out and support this amazing cause, and watch some hockey.

Shannon Collier


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