Friday, May 10, 2019

Little C's Remembrance Day Painting

Having run this page since 2007 my proudest moment came in November of 2017.  We went to pick our daughter who was three years old up from preschool the day before Remembrance Day and her teacher informed us they had done poppy paintings.

When my daughter brought out hers I was brought to tears with pride as our Veterans and men and women who currently serve is something very close to my heart.

I had the print copied and sent to some family and friends and posted online.  Within a few days I had many requests for a copy of the print.  We even ended up sending one to London, England as we hat gotten a request from a Legion over there that wanted to display it.

Two years later and we are still so proud of it.

This Remembrance Day 2019 I plan on bringing a copy and giving one to a Veteran.  My daughter and I have attended a ceremony every year and I plan on continuing this tradition as long as we can.

If you would like to do the same are welcome to download a copy and print if off or if you'd like to put one in your home. 

Thank You and Lest We Forget

To Download photo RIGHT CLICK and choose save as.  All that we ask is that you leave a comment stating where you are from and why you downloaded it.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Taffie's Journey

Last night at the age of eleven years old our little Shih Tzu had to be put down due to developing cancer.  This little dog brought our family so many great memories and I thought I would share her story.

December 2012 I had been dating a gal (my now wife) for several months and went over to her place for a visit.  As I walked in her door I was approached by a very fuzzy Shih Tzu who took one look at me and took off to her dog bed.  She just stared at me for most the night and would occasionally let out a little woof under her breathe and then go off to sleep.  By the end of the night she did come over and say hi and that was where it all began.

As time went on and we eventually moved in together this little dog became my best friend.  She would follow me everywhere when i got up in the morning.  She would wait patiently behind me while I made breakfast waiting for a piece of food to drop and then we'd hang out on the couch together and watch TSN Sportscenter every morning for the next four years.

As someone that had suffered from PTSD from an incident that happened to me in Ottawa in 1994 where I came very close to dying.  I often would have severe anxiety attacks and Taffie would quickly come over and snuggle into me.  There were many nights when I was alone thinking about what happened still where Taffie would climb on the back of the couch and lick away the tears.  This little dog for me was a God send.  She brought me so much comfort and happiness.

Fast forward to July 2014 and my wife and I were given the greatest gift ever.  A beautiful baby girl

To prepare Taffie for her homecoming we brought home a article of clothing she had worn at the hospital so she could get used to her scent.


Taffie was very curious about our little girl as you can see in the video above and was her little guard dog and very protective over her.  Whenever someone would visit us to see her she would sit in front and make sure no one was harming her.  At the age of six months old we were visiting a family member who was dog sitting for someone.  A big German sheppard came over and got too close to her and little Taffie came and sat down in front of her and showed her teeth and growled.  She was not afraid to stand up to this big dog and sent a message that no one messes with her little sister.

Our daughter and Taffie became best friends and for the next three years they shared a lot together, mostly it was our daughter dressing her up in her princess outfits, brushing her hair, putting beads on her ect. but she took it all.  She was so good and patient with her.

A year and a half ago our family had to make a very difficult decision.  We had to move out of our house into a cheaper apartment building and they did not allow pets.  We sadly had to give Taffie a new home with someone.  A friend from work told me about his mother who was alone and could use a good friend.  So with a heavy heart we sent little Taffie off to British Columbia to send someone some much needed comfort.

For the last year Taffie went for monthly massages, pedicures, day spas you name it, she was being spoiled rotten.  She frequently sent us texts of Taffie which made it a little easier but also harder at the same time.

Last night I received a call from my coworker.

My heart came up in my thought as anything he has to tell me it's usually by text I knew this wasn't good news.

He told me that Taffie had been to the Vet a few times this week for some tests and found out she had cancer.  The Vet said she wouldn't live more than a month so they decided instead of her suffering they had to put her down.

My heart is broken as I type this as our little best friend is gone but she will live in our hearts forever.

We Love you Taffie, and we will miss you.