Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Order Of St. George

January 25th, 2012

Today I am honoured and truly humbled to announce that I have been chosen to become a member of "The Order Of St. George". I just spoke with the Grand Master The Chevalier Gareth J. Green, CD, KGCStG Grand Master of Canada and The Americas and he informed me of the official news.

On Saturday October 13th, 2012 at the St. Pauls Anglican Church at 12:30pm I will be entered into The Order Of St. George. 
Seating at 12:30pm Service at 1:00pm
St. Paul's Cathedral Bloor Street
227 Bloor St. E, Toronto, ON M4W 1C8

Click here to R.S.V.P on Facebook 

When I started Tim Hortons for our Troops five years ago I was called to the Military Family Resource Center to meet Major John Haylock (Canadian Forces) who would be delivering the over $10,000 in Timmies certificates they had received through members of my Facebook page to send to Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.

I had stayed in contact with him for years and sent care packages for him to give out to soldiers while he was on deployment and have kept in contact throughout the years.

He recently submitted my name for nomination for the Order and today it became official, I've had to keep this a secret for about the last month which is really hard for anyone who knows me but I can hardly explain in words on a blog how much this means to me.

Some well respected people are members of this order such as former General Rick Hillier, Lewis Mackenzie & Andrew Leslie and I am honoured to join them.  The Order of St. George does a lot of work for military charities and I hope I can help them with all of their efforts in the future.

I want to say THANK YOU to Major John Haylock for thinking of me for this amazing honour and I will certainly do my best to make them proud.  Some amazing things are coming up with our page and website such as "The Wall Of Gratitude" and another secret project I have in the works so I have no plans in slowing things down a notch.

Thank You all for being a part of my efforts whether its following on Twitter, Sharing on Facebook, sending photos for Gratitude Project and everything else, none of my efforts would be anything without my amazing group members who take part in all of them and show our men and women serving from all countries we support them.

Thank You 
Dave Murphy - Calgary Alberta

If you are within driving distance of Toronto 

April 2007 - Meeting Major John Haylock who delivered Tim Hortons Certificates to soldiers for our Facebook page 



  1. CONGRATULATIONS Dave ... could not go to a more deserving person.

  2. Well deserved, Dave!

  3. Nice!! Congrats!!! Well deserved and great o see your hard work recognized!!! I often think of the hours you put in to the site and all that that means!!!! Loads of respect for what you do and we are very proud for you!!!! :)
