Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Update : The All Star Dad Contest

I`ve just received an update that CPL Spingle is in FOURTH place and he just needs to get in the top three to win a trip for him and his family to The Grey Cup in Vancouver Please CLICK HERE to go to the Dove site and click SUPPORT.

I was contacted tonight by a friend of mine Mandy Spingle who has entered her husband CPL Ian Spingle in the DOVE All Star Dad Contest. I met Mandy a few years ago when her husband was on tour in Afghanistan and we became great friends while he was away. When he came back I became friends with him on Facebook and have known him over a year now and would love to see him win this. Here is Mandy’s write up.

My husband is a father of 4 wonderful children and a member of the Canadian Military. For all the time he is away from him children he makes up for when he is home. Never taking time for him self if there is something going on in town for the kid's he always takes them no matter how tired he may be. Not only does my husband take great pride in his Job but he comes home to his children and gives them all the time he has free for them. My husband never asks for anything and to win this for a fathers day gift would be the best thing the kids could give him. Please help us win this for our daddy CPL Spingle..


1. CLICK HERE and click Support NOW

2. CLICK SHARE to share on your facebook

3. Leave a comment of support in the comments section

Our soldiers give so much, they work 12 hour days without question not knowing if they’ll return safe and this takes not even five seconds to click on.

You can vote ONCE A DAY!


1 comment:

  1. DONE ... re-Tweet; FB regular page; Spirit of Support page ...
