Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How a Typo Destroyed a Veteran

A Tragedy of Errors

How a Typo Destroyed a Veteran

By Jeff Rose-Martland


Why is there a man slowly starving himself in Charlottetown?

Because we destroyed his life. Twice.

The first came when he developed PTSD in service to Canada. He served in the Royal 22nd Regiment and was posted to Bosnia and Croatia during the Balkans Crisis. He gave his mental health to his country because we required his service. His PTSD got him discharged from the military and sent home to recover.

He had his grandmother’s house and a bit of land. He loves animals. With his pension he could renovate the 160 year old house, rescue animals, do his art, and, hopefully, find peace.

Then we destroyed his life again.

There was an error at Veterans’ Affairs. In September, mid-renovations, his pension was deposited into somebody else’s bank account. He called and was assured everything was correct. It wasn’t and he didn’t get his money. Same in October. Repeated calls were not accomplishing anything; VAC said everything was OK.

It wasn’t. Bills weren’t being paid. Debts were rising. The furnace had been removed from the house and there was no money to put it back. Even the animals were worried. When November’s pension also didn’t arrive, the man had to tell the contractors he couldn’t pay them. Tools went down and trucks pulled away. Damp settled into the house.

December: four months of no pension and living off credit cards without making payments. To save them from starving to death, the man had to bring rescued cats back to the shelter where they would be put down. The house had developed mould. There was no money for Christmas. Veteran’s Affairs assured the man that his money had been deposited for him.

The man was found on his land, drunk in a truck with the exhaust connected to the cab. He was rushed to hospital, treated, and admitted to psychiatry.

January. No pension. A VAC representative finally thought to give the man the account number where the money was being sent. A flurry of phone calls and several days later, five months of pension arrived into the correct account. Problem solved, as far as VAC was concerned.

Except the damage had been done. The house? Uninhabitable due to moisture, mould, and no furnace. His rescued animals? Dead. His credit? Ruined, interest continuing to drive his debt. His possessions, his art and supplies? In a storage locker. He stays in a camper when not sleeping at his mother’s. His shattered psyche does triple back-flips when he thinks about what he has lost and almost lost. What should have been recovery and rest is a nightmare that almost garnered him a final peace.

Six-and-a-half years later and circumstances have not changed, except for a humiliating bankruptcy. Despite letters and calls and appeals, Veterans’ Affairs accepts no responsibility for the havoc their error caused. They acknowledge there was an issue with the account but maintain the corrected number and issue of back pay fixed everything. They will not apologize.

It was a simple mistake, easily made, easily checked, and easily fixed. It should not have taken five months to fix. Account numbers can be confirmed by phone. Banks reverse transfers within a day. Once action was taken, it took just five days to correct. If those five days had been in September instead of January, none of these events would have occurred. We can all see that, except, apparently, VAC.

And that is why Fabien Melanson is slowly starving, sitting in front of the headquarters of Veterans Affairs Canada in Charlottetown. All he wants is his house returned to the condition it was in before this began. That and an apology. Is that not small payment for a man’s existence?

“They kill me in 2004. They only thing left is just my bones and flesh and that's it. So I am here to give them the rest of my remains." - Fabien Melanson, 6 June 2011


Jeff Rose-Martland is the President of Our Duty, a citizens’ organization dedicated to ensuring fair treatment for Canada’s veterans.


  1. Shameful how bureaucrats can't see what their unwillingness to correct problems has done to this man. Worse still is that Mr Melanson is not the first and undoubtedly not the last to get screwed over like this by the VAC.

  2. What I would like to see is the rescue community and the military community rally around our vets so that when these things happen they have support and comrades who are there to see them through. VAC is responsible but are we all not supposed to care for those who service us, regardless of where they serve? Rally around folks and help this man, and those like him.

  3. Welcome to the VA and military. We are a number to those jerks, we give them everything, work our cans off, and for what? What happened to this Vet is TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and horrible. The VA should be punished severely, my heart breaks for you man! I couldn't live without my kitties! They calm my PTSD so much. My heart goes out to all fellow vets whose lives have been impacted by carelessness and callousness.

  4. Disheartened to read this story. Not sure if it will make a difference but felt the need to voice my concern. I contacted the Minister's office via email and expressed my concern asking that 'my government' be accountable to their retired members and cited this story. I pray that Mr. Melanson's situation is appropriately resolved and that VAC is held accountable. Our Veterans deserve respect, compassion, professionalism and accountability

  5. Cindy, thank you for contacting the Ministers Office. You have not seen anything, IPSC, a unit which is supposed to help soldiers and Vets criticized this vet publicly. https://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?note_id=10150269796019804

  6. Someone from his area who is even slightly familiar with Canadian politics should post the email and mailing address for all elected officials in his area that could benefit from being the guy who saves him. then everybody here writes to those officials explaining how they will be voting for a non incumbent next upcoming election if this is not fixed. Bet that will have some impact there in Canada just as it does here in the states. A couple of hundred angry emails and letters just might get the local Mayor and councilmen, state Reps etc worried about this guy and someone will get with the program of fixin it. The local politicians need to think it is in their best interest to get this fixed. Just an idea. Hope it works out for the guy cause it is a shame on ALL of US if it doesn't.

  7. Absolutely none of this shocks me in regard to the treatment of our soldiers!!! It's embarassing, pathetic n disgusting, just to name a few words to describe!!! I hope things change for Mr. Melanson and gets compensated for what he has gone through!!! :)

  8. Just a bunch of BASTARDS they all are in the government these days; they let their people go out and serve "For Their Country" putting their lives at risk, some dying, lose limbs and along with others never coming back completely. There is not one person in this world that could repay a soldier for their sacrifices they have made, the least the DAMN GOVERNMENT could do is take care of these soldiers when they return!! Someone in that VAC office or the Canadian Capital should have their Pension/Pay stripped from them for a good 5months and see how they feel, oops sorry simple mistake My ass! This drives me crazy and in my heart I wish so badly I could reach into my pocket and pull out the money to help this Soldier Of The People; but unfortunately I don't have it but I do know of someone and I will have a conversation with GOD about Sir Fabien Melanson and show the government who is MORE important. The Gentleman who has fought with/for the people or the men whom lie that get paid by the people. God Bless You Sir Fabien Melanson my prayers are with you, I Thank you for ALL your sacrifices on which ever soil they may have been as there were many. You See It is not just yourself who has done a GREAT service in your Country, it is all of your other Brothers In Arms, Fallen Comrades and the kind supportive Canadian country men. God Bless Canada!!:)
    Lisa Santa Clarita, CA. USA

  9. This is deplorable, again Veteran's Affairs fails to treat our veterans with the respect and dignity they deserve. Seems the only way anything gets done there is after it is publicized in the news. There needs to be a house cleaning there from the top down!
