Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ordinary People - Extraordinary Efforts

With Remembrance Day in Canada Day & Veterans Day in the USA approaching fast I wanted to share some positive things people and organizations are doing for our Veterans and currently serving soldiers. When we see something negative with regards to either of these days it spreads like wildfire on Twitter & Facebook which is good in a way as it means people are standing up for our men and women serving.

Most recently a bar in Calgary using Remembrance Day to promote a wild night before party that you "Won't Remember", people vandalizing a War Memorial or someone out east stealing a Legion Poppy Box.

That being said I want to change things up again and spread the word about these great groups doing positive things for our heroes for Remembrance Day and all year round.

Canadian Hero Fund : 11 for 11
The Canadian Hero fund was founded by university students and is a grassroots charity dedicated to assisting military families of fallen soldiers
Remembrance Day Campaign :

Sunnybrook Foundation - Operation Raise A Flag

Join us in honouring Canada's Veterans this Remembrance Day by donating a flag in their name and sending a message of thanks for their courage and sacrifice.

Operation Raise a FlagThe flags will be placed on the lawn in front of Sunnybrook's Veterans Centre on November 11 so Canada's Veterans can see that citizens across the country recognize and value their courageous contributions.

Flags are available in 2 sizes for a $20 or $50 donation and are eligible for a tax receipt.

Click here to Raise A Flag

Pennies For Patriotism :

Autumn Hagyard has been helping our troops penny by penny for more than a year.

The Grade 5 student has collected nearly $5,000 in a Pennies for Patriotism campaign to purchase prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs for soldiers who suffered wounds in Afghanistan.

What started as a homework assignment, has snowballed into a life-changing campaign.

"I chose this project because a lot of my past family members were in the war. I learned about patriotism and how people go out there and fight for us, so that we don't have to," said Hagyard, 10, who added her grandparents served in the military.


Operation Gratitude

Operation Gratitude :

An all year round morale project that sends care packages to American soldiers serving in operations around the world. I have worked very closesly with the people behind this organization and have heard from many soldiers who have received care packages from them. Operation Gratitude is always happy to help with projects we do as well

Website :

Hero To Hero - Team Canada :

The HeroToHero.US and Hero To Hero Team Canada Troop Morale Campaign is first responders giving the shirts off their backs to show their non-political support for our deployed troops.

NO Politics ~ NO Pro/Antiwar Stances ~ NO Borders to our Allies

“The mission of HeroToHero.US and Hero To Hero Team Canada is to be a conduit between Heroes, past and present, be they Firefighter, Law Enforcement, or Military. We support their missions, their morale, and the loved ones most impacted by their sacrifices."

Please share the following post on your Twitter & Facebook pages and help get the word out about these other groups doing amazing things. We of course have our "Just Say Thanks" campaign on going and will be Retweeting all posts I see on Twitter in relation to Remembrance Day and Veterans Day so feel free to send me anything you would like reposted.

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Remember-
    Remembrance Day & Veterans Day and All Those Who Do More Than Service...
