Monday, November 28, 2011

My weekend with a military family at the 99th Grey Cup

This was one of the most amazing weekends I have ever had and wanted to say THANK YOU for everyone that voted for Cpl Ian Spingle for the all star dad contest as without those votes it wouldn't have happened.  My big surprise for Ian was that I knew a few days before that game that there was a chance we would meet Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed two people who have been such an awesome help with several of my websites projects but wanted to surprise him.

So just before half time I showed him he text message I had gotten from Shannon and his face made the entire weekend.  Thank You to Gene & Shannon for inviting us up to your suite and making an already memorable night just that much more amazing.
Dave Murphy - Gene Simmons & Cpl Ian Spingle 


I took this video at the 99th Grey Cup this past weekend in Vancouver and posting on here for people to see.  The tribute before hand to soldiers who just returned from operations in Libya was deafening and every time they showed the many troops in attendance on the big screen people would cheer which was great to see.

I also want to say thank you to Dove Canada for hosting the All Star Dad contest, the Hyatt Downtown Vancouver and ofcourse the CFL for all making this one of the most amazing weekends I've ever had but for and allowing me to spend the weekend with this military family.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who voted on the All Star Dad Contest more than anything when I first posted this I didn't even know I would be going was just trying to help a military wife.  Little did I know it would be one of the most amazing weekends of my life.

Me with Cpl Ian Spingle & his faher


  1. You deserved it Dave. Your tireless efforts to support our CF troops and our allies have been a source of inspiration for a lot of us. I am glad that you got to have a weekend that you will never forget.


  2. Gene is a huge supporter of Canada's military and her veterans.Shannon, a Newfoundlander with the pride of "The Blue Puttees" one would expect nothing less.
    I do have a small request that we can petition the CFL to have "KISS" play the 100 Grey Cup.

  3. Blessings to all Soldiers everywhere.

  4. Man i bet that was awesome to meet Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed Simmons. It was awesome that they were there to show our soldiers how important they are. Keep up the good work. I have all the respect and love for all our soldiers who put their lives at risk every day to keep our country free. They are what makes our country so great! God Bless them and may he put a protective shield around all of them. Merry Christmas to them all and a Happy New Year

  5. Words cannot express how absolute proud I am to have served for this Great, Outstanding Country. It is hands down, the BEST Country in the World! Thank you all for all the support you are showing our Soldiers, FALLEN or ALIVE!!! You have NO idea how much this means to us!! THANK YOU! John Mason Dartmouth, N.S
