Friday, December 2, 2011

Wall Of Gratitude

SOON we will be launching The Wall Of Gratitude on but I wanted to give people the opportunity to send in photos early so that we have some content there when it launches.

If you would like to send in a photo early to be included in the launch date send your photo(s) to or manually type in

What types of photos are we looking for :

Photos of you holding signs that say "Welcome Home" "Thank You" and "You are not alone" anything generally that shows support to our men and women serving and those that have served in the past.  Please do not submit any material that is copyrighted or owned by anyone else (e.g. making a photo from a google image search)

When the Wall Of Gratitude launches on our website you will have the ability to log in with your Facebook and post photos there also.

Please share this post on your FB & Twitter page to help us get the word out.

You may have seen me feature raw footage videos from Afghanistan by my buddy Funker530 well he has made a video to help out with this project and you can view it below and you can also visit his YouTube Channel.


  1. Can't wait! Reposted to my blog! Twittered and Facebooked too!

  2. welcome home lads when you get here i have shared on facebook and twitter x

  3. welcome home thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for your service from an army brat with great admiration for the armed services of the united states.

  4. I think it is about time this Government brought our troops home, we have lost far to many soldiers in this illegal war that should never of happend.
    I hope Tony Blair is brought to task for his betrayal of our girls and boys.
    Colin Rigg UKIP.

  5. It is such a small thing to do for a great thing that has been and always will be done. Keeping us safe in our country. Safe and proud.

  6. God bless everyone of you and Welcome Home. We are very proud of you and though we may never meet, there's much love in my heart for you.

  7. Wow, my boys are so excited to make a few posters to say their thanks! What an amazing idea. Thank you for all you do to keep our country safe! There isn't enough thank you's in the world to say to you for all the sacrifices you and your families make.

  8. My Son SGT C. Becker leaves for Afghanistan on Dec 27th he gets to spend Christmas with his family, He has done one tour there and is going back.
    He is a combat medic, my son my hero.

    Stay safe son we love you.

    Thank you to all of you who are there, protecting us from them and protecting our freedoms that none of us should take lightly.

  9. Thank you for everything you have done for your Country, for me, and everyone else. I am Honored just to be able to say Thank you. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and may God bless each and every one of you!

  10. To Our Great Military, thank you for the job your doing for your country to help keep it safe..You are the greatest..Thank you from the bottom of my heart and you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily..GOD BLESS ONE AND ALL.


  12. The artist did a wonderful job recreating the hero pictures of those deserving. I was in Afghanistan for 39 of the fallen which I in my own way have honoured. I have a tattoo over my heart and in the helmet I have placed the number 39. Those who have served in Afghanistan also have been changed. I have came home to a broken marriage where in Canada a Lawyer can use his Professional Judgement to decide for me I am not deserving to have my children on an equal custody basis. The Military paid for retainer for the Lawyer to go to trial to which I have been subjected to discrimination. I served at the role 3 MMU. Go to Karen Bailey site and see the Artist portraits of the Role 3.

  13. I love, & have THE utmost respect for those who have served,& are serving. My Dad, was a Marine in WW11. I also, have 2 sons who are Marines, & I am sooo proud of them both. I Thank you, & God Bless you All for serving. It takes so much courage to be willing to be in service in the military especially now a days.

  14. I cant wait, my son is in the air-force!

  15. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all the soldiers for their dedication to our country... Glad you are coming home to your loving families.. God Bless you all...

  16. Job Well Done, Now it's time for all to return HOME. I am proud to have served with some of them.
    Outside the Wire Convoy Drivers
    Richard Philemon Jr
    AKA; Awol

  17. Thanking all you very brave soldiers. Job well done!!!!!!!

  18. Thank you all! We remember and we appreciate all that you have done ~ you are all brave and noble. May you find peace within, know that we support you! M. Thorne, Yellowknife, NT

  19. Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do a little research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I am very glad to see such fantastic information being shared freely out there.
    Portable Geologist's 4 Watt Shortwave/Longwave UV Lamp - Replacemenet Bulb

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