Thursday, December 22, 2011

The "Thank A Soldier" Wedding Story

So if you had told me five years ago that my website and efforts would be responsible for saving a potential marriage I would have said you were crazy but here's the story

I am not going to post names here but I have been talking off and on with the fiancé of a British Soldier. The other night she told me something and I asked her if it was ok If I shared it on here and she said it was ok so here it goes.

This lady had been engaged to a British soldier for awhile and to be honest, she was having doubts about if she would be able to go through with it while her husband was deployed to Afghanistan for 6-9 months at a time. She felt alone in this situation as she didn’t know anyone that had gone through the same thing or could understand the feelings she was having.

Well, she informed me that she had joined the “Thank A Soldier” cause after seeing the site on the big screen at the Calgary Flames game a few months ago when I was the BMO Community Hero of the game.

She joined the cause and saw that there was a lot of Army wives and girlfriends posting photos of their husbands and boyfriends and so she sent one of them a message. After becoming close friends with a few of them she felt she could make it through and the love that she has for her fiancé would get her through the long months when he is away.
They got married last August!

See, yes Thank A Soldier has 4.2 Million members but its much more than the numbers, its about families of soldiers meeting each other. The families of fallen soldiers helping each other cope with the loss of a loved one. We have easily 15,000 soldiers that are a member of the group and it makes their day to come on the site and read all the messages daily.

I have received numerous emails from men and women serving in various locations that check the site a few times a week when they are having a rough day or need that extra push to get going.

I have a group of ten soldiers who a group of school kids in Miami, FL sent letters to about to finish their tour soon and their first act when they get back is to go visit this school and they are having a large assembly for them.

I want to thank every single person who has joined and helped this site grow to the amazing thing it has become.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I lost my husband in September to Cancer. Let me back up a bit. Straight out of high school he joined the Air Force. He traveled thru the years aand gave the Air Force 21 years. I didn't meet my soulmate until 2002. I had the best years of my life for those 9 years. He worked hard and was the best father he could be. Everyone who ever met him had nothing but good things to say about him.So, hard be happy, live life to the fullest everyday. Just remember to go slow enough to enjoy the things around you. Merry Christmas to all the soldiers with a big hug from me.
