Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Veteran Sneaks a Peek at Christmas Card

A few weeks ago I sent out a request to our group members to send some Veterans at Sunnybrook Hospital in Ontario Christmas cards.  Well the cards have started to flow in and today one veteran was able to get a sneak peek of one of the cards.

This is what Sunnybrook posted on their photo page:

Today, Veteran Don Stewart and recreational therapist Jennifer Ashby took a sneak peek at the holiday cards sent to our veterans through Thank a Soldier. The cards contain heartfelt words of thanks from people across North America, and send a special holiday message to our Veterans.

Don opened and read just one of the many cards we've received so far. The rest will be delivered to our Veterans on Christmas Day.

Don Stewart viewing his Christmas Card

Don Stewart joined the navy when he was sixteen years old, after tricking his mother into signing the consent form. She was "a little upset," according to Don.

Don went on to fight German submarines and perform rescue missions through the war, coming home in 1946 to parents who had been told he died at sea.

Read Don Stewart's incredible story:

This is just ONE story out of the over 500 Veterans at Sunnybrook Hospital.  I will post more as they are sent to me after Christmas and I wanted to sincerly thank everyone who has taken the time to send a card this year.

Next year we will have more time and this will be even bigger.

If you would still like to send some cards you can get all the info on our "Christmas Cards For Veterans" page