Monday, December 12, 2011

Cassy's Card

Today as I was checking my emails for Thankasoldier I received this email from a woman in Ontario who told me about her six year old daughter who had created a Christmas Card she wanted to send to soldiers.

"During Christmas break my 6 year old daughter Cassy created the attached card. Now what I think makes it so special is the fact that when she made it she was 1/2 way thru before she said to me " I'm making a Christmas Card for the soldiers Mummy" when I said " That is a great idea honey is this something you are talking about at school." Her answer was "No I just felt like doing it". I was so proud of her and I just had to share it. So I was wondering if you could help me forward it to "the soldiers."

"Do you mean soldiers in Afghanistan? Or do you mean the soldiers here in Toronto?"

I asked Cassy which soldiers she meant and this was her reply.... "I meant the soldiers who have died, and the soldiers in Afghanistan, and the soldiers in Hati, and here and all over the world. I know that we can't guarantee that the dead ones will see it but I want every soldier in the world to see it".

I replied and told them about my "Christmas cards for Sunnybrook Veterans" project and they are going to get involved and send a few along to the address.

IMPORTANT: If you are on Twitter it would be amazing to see #CassysCard trending and this is my attempt to make that happen, so if you have a twitter account you can copy and paste the following and TWEET IT :) 

Help 6yr old Cassy get her Christmas wish for troops #CassysCard

Here is a photo of her card :

If you know someone serving and want to send them the link to this page feel free too share it with whomever and help this little girl with her goal for every soldier to see her card.



  1. Ditto CrudeDude. We're melting! Can't wait until the first cards come in. We're handing them out on Christmas Day, and our veterans will be so excited. - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

  2. Dear Cassy,
    My son is an Iraq war veteran and he just saw your card. All he could say was "wow, just.... wow" He read the whole story twice. This is a guy who has not been himself since he got back, but he was definitely touched by the story and the card. You have a very special gift. Thank You !!!
    Love, Pam


  4. What a wonderful young lady ... Bless her heart ... she has brought a tear to my eyes ...

  5. Let Cassy know how much we thank her!!

  6. What a lovely thought from Cassie. I hope she has a lovely Xmas and that Santa brings her everything she wants, especially her wish for this card. I have friends & relatives in British Armed Forces and will include them, Navy and Army.

  7. Cassy you are such a wonderful sweet girl! a very beautiful person! I live in fort hood texas and I will make sure all my soldier friends and family see this beautiful card that brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. I'm pretty sure that we can make your wish happen. And I think the ones who have lost their lives will be keeping a special eye on you!

  8. Cassie, you are why we do what we do. Without regret or remorse. You sweetheart are why....

    Merry Christmas Angel....

  9. Omgosh, that is so sweet, makes me cry.

    Merry Christmas Cassie

  10. Cassie, your card is beautiful and we appreciate your thoughts here in Baghdad! ill spread it around.

  11. Hi Casey, I'm an old Veteran from Vietnam and I would have cried some Very Happy tears to receive such a nice Christmas Greeting back then. God Bless & Keep You Close. You are a True Sweetheart! I Know that all of the Veterans and Military Personnel around the world will share my Thanks to You!

  12. Thank you for your beautiful card, my husband is in afghanistan this holiday season and it's hard to be apart, but I will make sure he see your card and I'm sure he will love it! Happy holidays to you and your family casey and thank you for a beautiful card. :)

  13. You have a beautiful heart. I'll pass it along to my soldiers that are deployed. Happy Holidays to you and yours sweetheart.

  14. God bless such a sweet child.
    Best wishes to one & all!
    Merry Christmas!

    Corporal Andy Fu
    British Army

  15. What a wonderful thing to do. It's a beautiful card from a Little Angel. I will let all the people I know about this wonderful gift.

    Don Bowles
    SSG (Ret.) US Army

  16. Thank you from Afghanistan, you've brought a smile to my face!

    Sgt Nik Isoldi

  17. A beautiful card Cassy that many soldiers will appreciate and remember. For you later in your adulthood, it will be a fond memory, that you will not forget. Merry Christmas to you Cassy.

  18. Cassy your card is so very special. I will do my best to see that your card is seen by as many of our troops as possible! Merry Christmas from Heroes Fallen Studios Inc. and all of our troops we support!

    Clayton Murwin

  19. My son is a Fallen Hero, KIA 8-20-08 in Afghanistan and I know he is reading Cassy's card in Heaven. What a beautiful and wonderful display of love from Cassy to our Troops and for those that did not make it back. Thank you Cassy, you will forever be in my Prayers

  20. cassy you are amazing to what you did by sending a christmas card to all our troops. merry christmas to you and our troops.


  22. Thank you Cassy! You are so sweet! I have 2 daughters in the Navy, i sent this to them also. I sure wish there were more people like you! You are truly a blessing. Merry Christmas to You and all our troops!

  23. A blessed Christmas to you Cassey. Just think if all adults were as caring as this child. Thank you for your innocence and caring.

  24. Thank you, Cassy, from a Desert Storm Vet. I have shared this on all 5 of my twitter accounts in hopes that more people, like me, can see your wonderful card.

    Glenn H. Kipps

  25. Thank you Cassie! This is the BEST Christmas story I've ever heard. I was in The Army & most of my family was in the military, I shared this with them & my Army friends.

  26. Cassy, you are proof there is hope for the world. Merry Christmas!

  27. xxx ooo love

    Grand Dad

  28. Dear Cassy,
    What a great job you've done designing this card that will lift the spirits of so many!! I design cards to be a light in the darkness to those who are going through a difficult time. My daughter & I have both given our artwork to uplift people. I encourage you to keep on doing just what you've been doing with your cards. You have a wonderful gift that God has given you & I hope you will continue to use it like you did here with you sweet card. Please thank your mom for raising you to be the giving person that you already are. You truly have a heart for people. Keep up the good work!!

    Sunshine Susan

    Sunshine Susan

  29. From the heart of a child, what could be more pure and more real than that..God Bless You Cassie, always.
