Saturday, December 17, 2011

Newsflash : All Canadian soldiers HAVE NOT returned from Afghanistan

While 2,850 Canadian soldiers have arrived back home in Canada over 1000 others have been in Afghanistan to help train Afghan security forces to take the lead role in securing the country by 2014. 

In the majority of the media all you read is “Canada’s Afghan Mission Ends’ yes the doors to the Tim Hortons have been closed, yes the hockey rink will no longer be in use by Canadian soldiers but some of our troops are still there and do face danger every day.

Yesterday I saw an article that said "Last Troops arrive home from Kandahar" - Ottawa Citizen 

I had a read through this and I've had several emails from people asking me "So now that our troops are home are you going to continue with your site" well the answer as this article states is "They are not all home yet" and it is 100% yes

- We have troops deployed at other operations in the world aside from Afghanistan such as Navy in Somalia and Panama, troops away from their families deployed in Alert and many other operations.

- Thank a Soldier is not only for Canadian troops, we have paired up people as Pen Pals from the United States, Britain, and even Australia. Also 70% of the 4.2 million members are from areas outside of Canada.

-Thank A Soldier encourages people to say Thank You to our men and women in uniform no matter where they cross paths with them.

-Our troops are always ready to go in the case of emergencies here at home i.e the ice storms in Montreal, floods in Manitoba and last winter helping stranded motorists in London, Ontario.

-With so many of our troops returning home showing signs of Combat Stress & PTSD Operation You Are Not Alone is more important than ever, as the song by Julian Austin says many of our troops although physically home are “Still Over There”

After speaking with a personal friend who is currently on tour who said "We don't want people to forget we are still over here" I ask you to please keep in mind that even though in our medias eyes our mission ended when the "Combat Mission" ended, lets not forget those men and women still putting their lives at risk every day.

As happy as I am that the the combat guys are home seeing stories like this makes me feel like the one's still there are already forgotten about 

Don't forget to check out our new Facebook Page 

1 comment:

  1. I'm Canadian, from near Niagara Falls Canada. I was at a Tops in Buffalo NY with my mother when we came across a young man still in uniform doing his shopping. I walked up, stuck my hand out, shook his, and thanked him for his service. He looked almost embarrassed and thanked me, telling me it was NOTHING. My mother asked me WHY I would thank someone who wasn't in the Canadian forces, and I replied to her, there ar MANY men and women from MANY different countries sacrificing MUCH for the common good. Even though they serve their own country, I refuse to ignore the sacrifice of our American brothers and sisters, whose lives are no less precious to their loved ones.

    God bless ALL the troops worldwide who are fighting to bring peace and stability, not only to their own Countries, but even those who might once have been considered an enemy.

    BTW I might add, there ARE still Canadian troops in Iraq. This is a much underscored fact considering the official stance of our Government on the Iraq conflict, but I know of at least 2 men, embedded in 'foreign' combat units as a function of the exchange of troops amongst NATO nations in an effort to promote co-operation and understanding at an operational level.
