Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thank A Soldier - A New Direction

As you may or may not know the Thank A Soldier cause page has over 4.1 million members from all over the world however with a seperate Facebook application many are inactive members and when I send out bulletins reading how many people read them and share them this has become quite visible.

With the "WALL OF GRATITUDE" launching later this month the ease of sharing photos on our new Facebook page will also be easier and allow users to also share the photos easily on their walls without having to load a separate application to do so.

On our third anniversary I have decided to launch a "Facebook Page" instead for many reasons the biggest one being interaction with members.  I have been posting a few photos on there and the reaction and comments are instant and like what we are seeing with it so far.

It is also much easier to feature links and stories from other military organizations with the click of one button instead of having to type up a bulletin every time I want to share something with you all.  I would rather have a Facebook page of 5000 active members who can click a "Share" button when they see something that interests them rather than have them try and get friends to join an application.

Yes I will continue to use the "Thank A Soldier" cause page but probably only send out bulletins once or twice a month and will be focusing primarily on the "Thank A Soldier Facebook page"



  1. I would like to thank them all, from a children author of Concord, Ca.

  2. No matter where you are in this world those that have served or are serving in the military are what the United States is made up of...they might be your brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, or uncle...let's not leave out your grandfather or grandmother that has served. For this I am internally grateful for bring the gift of freedom to the United States. Melodie Gingras (Dixon, CA)

  3. i'm here to thank a soldier and there family.... you all have given so much to uphold our freedom..
    Thank You from all of us
    whaling city new bedford ma. ; )

  4. Dave, you have outdone yourself yet again. I can't THANK YOU enough because you have been a true inspiration to me with my support of our CF Members. Regardless of how busy you have been, you have always answered my question in a timely manner and I'd like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU again for ALL YOU DO ...

  5. Thank you brothers and sisters in arms. Many have gone on before you, and we pray this will continue. We thank Almighty God for our past protection and yours now and tomorrow.

  6. Thanks to all of our men and women serving at home and abroad. God Bless you all for what you do everyday. Stay Safe!!

  7. My son is serving in Afghanistan and I am very thankful for all the troops and their service to our Country and the tremendous sacrifice to protect our freedom. Stay safe! Merry Christmas to all our service men and women.

  8. My Great-grandfather served as a local Captain of police; my grandfather served in WWI; my father served in WWII and Korea; my brother served in Viet Nam, I served during Viet Nam.

    I'd like to express thanks and gratitude to all who have served and to all that continue in this tradition of service to our nation and to the world.

  9. My Grandfather was a WWI vet, my father was a Korean vet, and my husband is a Vietnam vet. I thank them, all who have served in the past and all who serve presently. Thank you for keeping America safe and free!

  10. I would like to thank all of our service personal on a job well done. As the widow of a retired Navy man, iknow how much you all give to keep our country safe. May God Bless and Keep you all Safe. A Boatswainmates wife

  11. I am so thankful for all of service members, whether they are state side or over seas. You have all done something amazing and I hope you know how much the American people appreciate the sacrifices you make each and every day.

  12. a) We dont live in a FREE world, also because politicians & religious leaders USE SOLDIERS to win power !
    b) sending your men, who are hardly equipped to make life decisions into battle to KILL other human beings , often being put in a situation to be judge, jury and executioner is simply WRONG

    wake up people , the enemy is the one who tells you to put on a uniform!
