Friday, September 7, 2012

From the wife of a fallen soldier

I just wanted to take a minute and say thank-you for your continued work with Thank a Soldier. I know that positive comments cannot always make up for the negative ones you may receive but I thought I'd put my two cents in. I am well into my second decade of service in the Canadian Army, I have served on many missions both aide to civil power and NATO and I have buried family and friends who have died in the line of duty.

For the most part I have witnessed a slow change through the years and have been honoured recently to have several civilians approach me to say thank-you. While I always find this slightly embarrassing I accept their words with as much grace as I can muster because I have also been subject to more negative encounters several of which are similar to the email you received. Thankfully I have seen less of that type recently and more yellow and red ribbons out in my community.

 I love to see signs of support be it a website, yellow ribbon magnets on vehicles and in businesses and it actually brings a smile to my face to see people wearing red on Fridays or otherwise taking a moment out of their lives to be supportive of our military and coalition partners. To be honest, most soldiers don't feel as if they have done anything special that deserves to be acknowledged but some of the men and women I have served with over the years truly are amazing individuals and knowing that there are people and organizations out there like you who care enough to take time out of their lives to honour them gives me hope for Canada and humanity. 

My husband and fellow soldier Cpl Bryce Keller MMV was killed in action six years ago and each and every time I read the positive comments on TAS or have someone thank me when I'm out in my uniform I feel like thanking them back because one of the worst fears for me as family of a fallen soldier is that Bryce will be forgotten by the people he served. He was truly a hero and every thank-you I receive I accept on his behalf. I will never get sick of talking to people about Bryce or accepting their words of appreciation for his service and his life.

 He deserves that, as do all the soldiers, sailors and airmen/women that serve our Country. It's not 'holier than thou' it is kindness and appreciation extended freely by fellow Canadians and I will always be grateful and thankful for that. Thank-you to Thank a Soldier and to each and every person that has supported your endeavor and websites.

 Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Sarah Keller, CD.

Note : This article was Sarah Keller's response to this posting on our Facebook page 

Cpl. Bryce Keller was 27 years old when he was killed in a firefight with insurgents in the Pashmul District of Kandahar, Afghanistan, August 3, 2006.


  1. Huge Thanks and Hugs from Central Texas.

  2. Such an honor to be able to thank YOU personally and say thanks to your late husband, Cpl. Keller. Such selfless acts of someone so humble to accept the "thanks" that are intended for you, but accepted in honor of your husbands ultimate sacrifice. I'm thankful to know that there are still such noble people among us. A huge THANK YOU from south Mississippi.

  3. Hi Sarah, I was in Helmond in 2006. I served with the Canadians there so I know what conditions you and your husband endured. Im sorry for your loss and proud of the soldier your husband will forever be. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.

  4. Hi Sarah, My deepest condolences to You and Your husbands family!!!
    My son and I would like to Thank You and all the Soldiers for Your service and sacrifice!!! I would like to send You a very big hug!!! Please know that thousands and thousands people are behind You and thanking You!!! Ilona Fizel and Kris Fizel

  5. Hi Sarah - Your husband's name sounded familiar to me when I read it and then I saw the date that he was killed in action and realized that I had read about him in the book "Fifteen Days" by Christie Blatchford. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I think your husband might have served with one of my instructors from basic training but I'm not sure. I know my instructor, was over there in 2006 and that he served with Task Force Orion and was in the same company as your husband was. Do you know if he served with a Private Evan Duff?

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  8. Hi Sarah.
    You and your husband and comrades can all hold your heads very high. Whatever the situation you can truly accept the thanks from those who respect you and your husband. Being a retired sailor I still feel my heart thump every time I see another military personal in uniform. I not doubt saluted you husband when he went down the Highway of Heroes in Aug 2006. In all possibilities with tears in my eyes from being so proud. It is my greatest pleasure to say Bravo Zulu. Take care God Bless

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  10. In Honour of Cpl Keller
