Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TeamTAS Jersey Design Contest

A few months ago we started the “Team TAS” (Team Thank A Soldier) theme to go along with our page and people post on their Facebooks that they are member of #TeamTAS and it has really taken off. I have received several emails from people asking that we make “Team” jerseys that they can wear to show that they are proud members.

That being said we are launching a contest to our members to design a football, basketball, baseball & hockey jersey for TEAM TAS.

Submissions :
The football, baseball & basketball jerseys will just have TEAM TAS on the front but people can submit their suggestions on the Facebook Photo with colour options. You can customize them with your number and own name on the back when they go live.

The Hockey jersey needs to have a logo on it so we’re going to open that up to our graphic guru’s out there to design. It has to be military related, not one country specific and be generic for all branches and include Team TAS on it somewhere.

If you have an idea you’d like to submit but not graphically inclined you can also email please put “Jersey Idea Submission” in the subject line.

We will have our members vote for their favourites once we receive a number and the winning one will be featured on our site and receive one of the jerseys.

I will set the deadline for submission temporarily at September 30th, 2012

These will be sold at cost so there will be no proceeds to disperse from the sale of them just people wishing to show their support by wearing a TEAM TAS jersey.

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