Monday, March 12, 2012

Elton Adams - East Coast Countdown

MCpl Elton Adams who we have featured on our blog many times with songs like "What A Soldier Left Behind" & "Hard" which we used in our Operation You're not alone campaign has just released a song with Canadian country artist Julian Austin called "My Canadian Girls"

For those of you who may not know Julian Austin's song "The Red & White" inspired me to create everything that is "Thank A Soldier" as there's a line in it that says "Do we take the time to thank a soldier for everything they do" and thus TAS was born.  He has played many shows for our troops in Afghanistan also and is one of the biggest supporters of our troops that I know.

We are asking that you take 10 seconds of your day vote for Elton in the East Coast Countown and help him get his music recognized.

There is no limit to how much you can vote, if you want to sit at your computer for the next 48 hours clicking VOTE every 10 seconds, GO FOR IT! ahahah 

There is no registration, all you have to do is click the above link, scroll down to "My Canadian Girls" by Elton Adams and click vote.  Then put a check mark in the YES box and click submit and you are done.  There is no sign up, you won't receive any emails from the East Coast Countdown site and you'll be showing support to a currently serving Canadian soldier who just makes music because its what he loves to do.

Thank You


View the video for "My Canadian Girls" below as well as several other videos we have made featuring Elton Adam's music.


I've posted some of the videos we've made using Eltons Music below as well 


  1. Voted ... best wishes from the other side of The Pond.

    Sgt Slingsby

  2. I voted too. Good music from talented artist's. Keep up the good work, for the cause.

  3. I'm in the USCG Auxiliary & I want to say a big THANKS to Elton & the guys for all the music & inspiration these songs are to soldiers, families & everyone! Voted for you Elton & may God bless your work.

    Sunshine Susan

  4. Thank you for what you have done,thank you for what you are doing & thank you for what you will do...
