Friday, March 23, 2012

A Tribute tattoo for fallen heroes


This tattoo is Damian Dyke's tribute to fallen soldiers the quote across his soldiers is from a DMX song and reads :

""If it takes for me to suffer for my brother to see the light, Give me pain till I die, but please Lord treat him right"

Damien served as a personnel support worker for the Canadian Forces for four years in Afghanistan and this was his way of showing respect to our fallen heroes.The tattoo was inspired by a Slyvia Picota painting called "Croix" 

The photo that inspired the tattoo:

Photo via Silvia Pecota Artiwork

Do you have a military tribute or military themed tattoo? Email it to us and it may be featured in our upcoming YouTube video featuring tribute artwork


  1. Maybe this might keep them young devil dogs going

  2. I sent in mine. I'm looking forward to seeing others artwork. God bless & watch over our military.

  3. Great Job-sending one in...

  4. For those of you who don't have outlook.. if you hover over the link it'll show you the email. --Sent mine in too!
