Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Flags at half mast for real heroes

So Governor Christie of NJ wants to lower the flags on all state buildings for the day of Whitney Houstons funeral, I feel this something that should be kept for our men and women of our military branches and all first responders.  I post this with no disrespect intended however she was a singer who solder hundreds of millions of albums and this makes here a HERO?

"Whitney Houston was an important part of the cultural fabric of this state,’’ said Christie, who said she is the same category of New Jersey entertainers as Frank Sinatra, Count Basie and Bruce Springsteen.  She was a cultural icon for the state and her accomplishments in life were a source of great pride to many people in the state and for the state as a whole. On that basis, I think she’s entitled to that recognition.‘’ Gov. Christie - NJ

Just wondering what everyones opinion is on this?  I know for me personally it makes me a little sick to my stomach.  That being said I'm posting a photo for Canadian, American and UK soldiers who have been killed. I would post all the flags but these three countries are were 90% of our group members are from.

Read this Veterans response to Governor Christies decision

Another great read which I feel is related to this whole situation was written by the father of a fallen Canadian soldier Cpl Mike Seggie check out "What is a Hero" by Jim Seggie

NOTE : As shown in @GovChristie's twitter page below fallen soldiers from NJ have had the flags lowered for them and that has already been acknowledged.  The point of this that has people upset is that something they feel should be reserved for members of our military, first responders and such.

If you would like to contact Governor Christie you can do so on his webpage

Send him a message on Twitter 

Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

Here are a few replies @GovChristie has sent to people on Twitter :

Here are some comments from our Facebook page :

Danielle Reesor After 9/11 the American government made the executive decision to keep the casualty reports as well as those KIA from the American public. I agree that the flags should not be lowered for any person due to their popularity and should only be lowered for those who gave their lives in the line of duty.

Wayne Eric Dickson Flying half mass should only be for any person that represents the U.S Governemt, City or State that are highly reconized in the publics eye. Example: Police Officer, FireFighter, Military, Governemt Leaders etc. Celebrities are not considered any of these. If this is the case, then we should fly the flag at half mass for every celebrity that passes away.

John MasterGuns Lewis Whitney Houston was a beautiful lady. An amazing talent. Her death at such a young age, regardless of the circumstances, was and is tragic. The governor of New Jersey has issued a proclamation that the flag is to be flown at half-staff Saturday in her honor. But Whitney does not rate having our national colors flown at half-staff in her honor. Section 7M of the Flag Code clearly states -

"In the event of the death of a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States or the death of a member of the Armed Forces from any State, territory, or possession who dies while serving on active duty, the Governor of that State, territory, or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at half-staff, and the same authority is provided to the Mayor of the District of Columbia with respect to present or former officials of the District of Columbia and members of the Armed Forces from the District of Columbia. When the Governor of a State, territory, or possession, or the Mayor of the District of Columbia, issues a proclamation under the preceding sentence that the National flag be flown at half-staff in that State, territory, or possession or in the District of Columbia because of the death of a member of the Armed Forces, the National flag flown at any Federal installation or facility in the area covered by that proclamation shall be flown at half-staff consistent with that proclamation."

Whitney Houston was an icon of the entertainment industry. She was not a present or formal official of the State of New Jersey nor was she a member of the Armed Forces of this country. She does not meet the minimum standards for having the flag flown at half-staff in her honor, and accordingly Governor Christie should withdraw his proclamation. But he won't, because at this point it would be political suicide to do so. And yes, I know that the flag has been flown at half-staff in honor of others who don't meet the minimum standards of this honor. That still doesn't make it right. Every time we honor someone by doing this, it cheapens the sacrifices that millions have made in service to this country, and they are the ones who earned the right to have the flag flown at half-staff in their honor.

Arnold Dugas i wonder how many times she went into a war torn country to put her life on the line but no she became a singer then turned unto the world of drugs and partying and now she wants to be a hero in the eyes of a state that means in nj it must be fine to go out and get blasted and should be ok because they want to lower the flag . i my self have been to some of the not so friendly places of the world.

Winifred Barnes Reward the negative, by glorifying addiction. Neglect the Public Servants; complain about the overtime when you are sitting down to a Christmas Feast,and your neighbor is out in the middle of a blizzard paving the way for you to place your fat butt at the table. Support our troops, and our Public Servants.

Margaret Davis not a good idea. Whitney was a singer and did humanitarian work but so did Mother Teresa and I don't remember a flag at half mass for her. I believe this would be an insulting to the men and who this honor was intended for. That's my thoughts on the subject.


  1. Only for real heroes.

    Men and women, firefighters, police, emt's, and those in the armed services are serving their communities or countries, some making the ultimate sacrifice, and this wackjob wants to lower flags for a singer who died from mixing her prescriptions with booze?

    oh hell no.

    1. I highly doubt the homophobic governor would do this if she were gay. As a New Jersey resident, I am embarrassed that the Governor would honor a drug addict and not those who truly deserve it.

    2. Very true she was a gret singer and artist but not a hero or diplomat. Everyone, read the flag code. Save this honor for the ones it is meant for.


    4. Right on aceman67. She was just another left wing junkie. Definitely not a hero who contributed anything to this country.

  2. i think it is offensive to lower the flag for a singer when they don't even do it for fallen soldiers .. sickening ..

    1. I agree 100% with vulpes,flags shouldn't be lowerd for anyone other than our fallen soldiers or public servents. I thought Whitney Houstons song were wonderful but thats as far as it goes.

    2. They do lower the flags for fallen soldiers and police and such. Get the facts straight before you get irate. I don't care either way what Jersey does. I don't live there.

    3. Why should we lower the flag for anyone other than for those who serve country and community. But lowering it for someone who dies at there own hand that is a slap in the face. And any goverment offical who thinks we should lower for those who don't deserve it should be removed from office.PROUD PARENT OF A U.S.MARINE

  3. I agree with what John Lewis posted. According to the Flag Code, she does not qualify. She was an overrated, over paid diva who got hooked on drugs.

  4. Lowering the Flag is an honor. It is for fallen soldiers, presidents, and true American heros. She was a wonderful entertainer, but I feel this is inappropriate.

    Isn't it bad enough that because of the deaths of celebrities, MANY soldiers have lost the recognition they deserved for fulfilling the blank check they wrote to our country by paying with their lives! Contributing to our society couldn't be done AT ALL if it weren't first for the American Soldier. Sure she paid a price for being a celebrity and an abused one but YOU MUST BE MORE RESPECTFUL to our country!!! Maybe lower your state flag, but NOT the US flag.

    1. Heidi, Nice compromise, maybe you should be the Gov., but if the Gov of NJ wouldn't have tried to seize the opportunity to jump a couple of points in popularity the conversation wouldn't even be taking place - and sounds like it backfired which is good. I don't think there is really anything to discuss other than what action of reprimand the Governor should receive for being a self serving weasel, oh wait, he is after all a politician. Okay, having never met him I have no real idea of his personal values but this is definitely suspicious of abuse of power, maybe people in New Jersey, if they are looking for a reason could jump on that one

  6. Wow, so we are now gonna start lowering our flags for the drug addicts just because they made some records? It says a lot to the future generation, when the flags are lowered for addicts. Instead of the hard working soldiers, that die trying to make this country great not only for us but for our future generation. Makes me a little sick actually. Kinda like promoting the child molestor Michael Jackson, after his death. I am sorry dead or living, if it swims like a fish, acts like a fish and looks like a fish, its a damn fish.

    1. I totally agree with you. This honor should only be for our fallen hero's-military, police officers, firefighters- and government officials. As far as I know, she was none of the above. She was great in the 80's and 90's, but she died a drug addict. I don't want my teenagers to think you get special treatment if you're a drug addict. Everyone knew she was an addict. Govenor Christie, leave this one alone.

  7. Her choices were drugs and alcohol, not protecting our country, not being killed in action, not being a role model...yes, she is someone's mother and a family member, but by no means does she deserve ANY special treatment. Until you contribute to society in a POSITIVE manner, I have no respect for you. I need to protect myself and my three daughters from people like Whitney Houston.

  8. Absolutely not... Shall we lower the flag to half mast for every pill popping alcoholic out there?

  9. No way! She was an amazing singer, but ended her life as a drug addict! Flags should only be lowered for REAL HEROS! Fallen soldiers!

  10. After reading the Federal Flag Code the Governor of New Jersey needs to resend his proclamation as not to lower the Flag to half-staff. I will agree she had a God given talent to sing like a bird, but she abuse her voice and ending up causing her death with the mixing of prescriptions drugs and alcohol. What kind of message is this sending our children, that it's ok to be a drug user and alcoholic as long as you are a star... No Way Mr. Christie...

  11. Lance Cpl. Osbrany Montes De Oca, 20, of North Arlington, N.J., died Feb. 10 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

    This is who the flag should be flown half-staff for.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more, NJvet. This is a travesty on Mr. Christy's part that he would even CONSIDER flying the American flag at half staff for an ENTERTAINER? Hello??? What have this country's leaders come to? It is absolutely bizarre and is an insult to those men and women who have fought and/or died for our country. Yes...she was blessed with a beautiful voice but she did nothing heroic for our state or country. If we honor her in this way, what about the rest of the talented artists who have served our country with nothing more than entertainment? This idea is so absurd that it blows me away.

    2. Amen also.. and RIP to ALL the soldiers who have lost their lives to fight for their country and help other countries..

      As a proud Candian who also loves her fellow Americans too and has an American daughter in VA reply is just my opinion but I sincerely hope NJ and Mr. Christie stay true to the "Flag Code" and their true Heroes.

  12. This is absolutely ridiculous! Christie is simply perpetuating a shallow, celebrity-obsessed society, and it's wrong. His response of "You are a joke." to the person on Twitter who stated his intentions were a joke just goes to show how immature and unprofessional this governor is.

    1. I agree with your reply on "You are a joke" sure am glad Mr. Christie is not Governor of my state. You wrote the very thoughts I. This nation needs to take a look at what is important. Giving up ones life to give others freedom is a very noble.

  13. Amen Brothers and Sisters Thank The Soldier! lower the Flag for The Soldier. No Great love for a brother or sister does one show by laying their life down for you. Lower the Flag for the Soldier Not Whitney Houston No Way!

  14. First of all I want to say that I am not racist, as all four of my beautiful grandchildren are black and white. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THE LOWERING OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FLAG, because a well known musician died from the use of legal and illegal drugs????? What about all the soldiers dying, what about all the innocent people of the world dying at the hands of war, our government, greed, etc.... The flags of the USA should be at half mast continuously until every soldier is back home... What a slap in the face for the real suffering people to hear that you would even consider the flag at half mast for Whitney Houston. Give me a break.

  15. I'm appalled. I thought my Father was the most amazing man on Earth. The flags weren't lowered for him just because he was an inspiration to our family. He was a hero to us, and he was a WWII veteran, but that didn't mean the flags should have been lowered! If the NJ governor does this, it deteriorates the sacrifices of the TRUE heroes - the fallen solders!

  16. Whilst neither a Whitney Houston or Chris Christie fan, I believe he has done the right thing here. Firstly, as is the American way, there has been a rush to judgment that Ms Houston's death was in any way related to her drug dependency - rather the early evidence points to a tragic accident, just as in the Michael Jackson case, caused by hangers-on whose livelihoods depend on the approval of the celebrity, and who aren't prepared to say no to them, hence the over-prescription of prescription drugs. Secondly, certainly from a UK perspective, lowering the flag is not restricted to members of the military or other uniformed services, but to local and national people of significance, and this is certainly the case for Ms Houston and the State of New Jersey. Governor Christie is also trying (I suspect) to show that State Government is not isolated from society - there has been a significant outpouring of grief from people in the Garden State following Ms Houston's death, showing she was held in great affection by the people of that State. If he wants to show that his government recognises that affection then he is actually to be commended for not being all high-and-mighty and stuffy.

    There are other ways of serving your country and your community without joining the military, and that should not disqualify you from being honoured in death. This glorification of all things military is offensive and does veterans no favours whatsoever.

    1. I don't care what her cause of death was. Fact is she is NOT an American hero. She did not serve her country in any way, shape or form. She was a performer. She was good at what she did, but that doesn't warrant having flags flown at half staff in her honor. Gov. Christie over stepped his authority--and in my opinion, checked his common sense at the door.

    2. It is really sad that anyone with any sense would take this position about this. You know nothing of the blood spilled for this country and it is not the true AMERICAN WAY. No integrity at all.

    3. You are very correct. There are many people who have served their country in other ways besides the military and have helped a lot of people. I am a Gulf War vet and I know how messed up the military is and the VA is not too much different. I do not know what constitutes the meaning of 'hero' and I have no opinion on what Gov Christie wants to do. It could be that she did do thinks that were good and helped people. She was not born an addict, it was something that happened after a period of time. That does not mean that she never did anything good at all. Her family is close to the community that they live in where she is from.

      I think the whole flag at half staff is more of a gesture to remember the good things she did in her life. I think it is a noble gesture on the part of the Governor and I really do not think he means any disrespect to our service people and I certainly do not believe that he is not trying to do something about what is going on in the political arena. I do think it is sad that she is dead and hopefully it will inspire better rehab, something I use to work with, for all kinds of addictions.

  17. This is simply, in my opinion, another slap in the face to this country of just how truly our values & priorities are messed up in this country. MANY MANY MANY service men and women die every day doing good things for this country, selfLESS things, to make this country a better place and THEY don't get days and days and days and days of worldwide media coverage, in fact we likely don't ever hear about THEM at all. yes whitney was a human, a person but let's be realistic, she died doing a very selfish, self inflicted thing that could have been prevented had she chosen to. nobody held a gun to her head all those years and forced the drugs into her. Drugs are a very shallow, callus way to make one's self feel better. There are thousands upon thousands of service people that do risky, life endagering things FOR OTHERS that they CHOOSE to do FOR other people, NOT for themselves. Sometimes they pay the ultimate sacrifice and THEY have NO choice in that. whitney had a choice, she may not have liked her choices but she had them. she was doing no good for anybody else BUT herself, when soooo many others do good for other people and not for themselves. This country is going to hell in a handbasket when we honor rappers, movie stars, singers, sports players, etc more than we value/honor soliders, police, firefighters, EMT's, paramedics, DRs. stop and ask yourself something in earnest. do we NEEEEEED singers, movie stars, rappers, ball players, athletes? or do we NEEEEEEED soldiers, police, firefighters, paramedidcs, EMTs, DRs? who is REALLY more important in the REAL world??? is a ball player gonna save your house if it's burning down? is a singer gonna stand on the front lines in a war zone to protect YOUR freedom? is a movie star gonna save your life if you need heart surgery?? let's REALLY put things into perspective america. let's get our priorities straight.

  18. I don't care what NJ does! Doesn't bother me and I am a veteran of the Army.

    1. "You know nothing of the blood spilled for this country and it is not the true AMERICAN WAY. No integrity at all."

      Not to be direspectful, however, do you know anything and everything that was sacrificed or the blood spilled for this country? It seems that the "American Way" is more about whoever has the most toys wins and Greed is good and "screw the Indians, take the land." I am Gulf War vet who did rage against machine when I was in the Army. I forced my chain of command to do their job, which they were not doing and my CO got kicked out of the Army, with a less than honorable discharge. Do you know about the height of sexual harassment, sexual assault and gender discrimination and those of us who fought against it and made it public? Do you know what we sacrificed while, both before and after, we were following the regulations that the military is suppose to go by? I was an injured soldier and had surgery and received no support from my chain of command regarding recovery? They were more interested in sending me somewhere else so they wouldn't have to deal with me and forced me to do things that made it worse? Is that the integrity you are talking about? Do you know what it is like to be sexually assaulted by a superior and be threatened when you went to the people who are suppose to help you? Because of my foot injury, I have developed arthritis, a neurological condition from the knee down, degenerative disk disease that could have been avoided if my commander just did his job. He paid for it because I am not afraid to do what I need to do and talk to who I need to talk to in order to get things done and unfortunately, it is always an unnecessary 'war.' The way the military does things as I have explained, does that constitute integrity? Because if it does, then we have dropped off IQ wise and have no humanity left. Just look at what happened to the Vietnam vets, who I thank God every day for, could that be the integrity you mean when our own government turns its back on those who were terribly wronged?

      Do you believe that the flag should be at half staff when both George Bush's die? Because I will fight that to the death assuming that I am not dead from the chemicals I was exposed to at the bases I was at that the VA doesn't want to acknowledge.

  19. What has Whitney Houston done for this Country? Oh wait she was in the movie Bodyguard and glorified drug user. She didn't die in action, she doesn't deserve what a soldier would get for serving their country! If she gets special attention then other celebrities will want the same.

  20. Are you serious, come on why should the flag be lowered for her....what has she done, has she done a tour over in Iraq or Afghanistan, was she shot during a warrant gone bad....what a joke to even think that the flag should be lowered for her...

  21. Drug user or not there is NO reason to lower the Flag for Whitney Houston. Yes, she was a great Entertainer. but, that is not a good reason to lower the Flag. Fallen Soldiers & Police Officers make a far greater contribution than Whitney Houston ever did.

  22. You have to seriously be kidding. She does not deserve to be honored in this way. You cheapen the sacrifice and dedication shown to this country by our SOLDIERS and POLICE, people who put their lives on the line for yours.

  23. who supports this? i guess lowering the flags doesn't hold the honor it used to. i have been impressed with gov christie till this point this is disappointing that this is his decision, i am curious what good he thinks will come from the display? I guess if your public relations team and charitable contributions are great enough your faults don't matter.

    1. I think a lot of things have lost there meaning in the US. For instance, my step father was/is a WWII vet, he was in the Battle of the Bulge, he and a few others took turns carrying a wounded comrade stopping to administer first aid and they did this for, I think at least 18 hours and he was awarded the Bronze Star and had to suffer PTSD with no VA help. During the Gulf War, when I was in the Army, a platoon sergeant was awarded one too. He was an arabic speaking interrogator and I cannot for the life of me understand what he did to deserve the Bronze Star. What did he do that was so valorous to deserve one? The way I look at it is that valor does not mean what it use to. I am a veterans advocate and activist and I get a lot of crap for it because the VA system ignores some conditions for certain vets. I have won my battle with the US Army and am branded a 'troublemaker' because I got my company commander kicked out of the Army and probably saved a lot o lives because he sucked as a 'leader.' I raged against an unfair system for the sake of a lot of service people and received nothing, not that I was expecting to. I took a hit for the Army and they gave me grief because they were anti-recovery and I am not finished with it yet. You have no idea how f'ed up the military is.

    2. Go look at your step dad's Bronze Star. It will have a small V on the ribbon. Go look at your old platoon sergeant's, it will not have that V. As a vet yourself you should know the difference and significance. There is a reason some of us vets jokingly call a Bronze Star the BS medal... because it is total BS unless it has the V. Then it means you were getting your ass shot at while you earned it. But we have to give REMFS something, if we didn't who would do the paperwork and cooking?

  24. Sorry Chris. Love you as Governor but you are wrong on this one. The Flag Code was posted above by a fellow Marine, Johnh MasterGuns Lewis, and does not cover cultural contgributions. And though she once was a huge, proud daughter of New Jersey, she willingliy turned to illegal activities that you can be pretty sure will be found to have contributed to her death.
    If you want to honor her as a daughter of NJ and tip your hat to her cultural and artistic contributions, lower the State flag but please do not slap the real heroes in the face.

  25. No, no, no. Lowering of the flag signifies the death of a public servant or military person, NOT A POP ROCK STAR!!! This is a really dumb idea Governor!!

  26. If the flag ends up being lowered in her honor, I will most definitely question what this really means. Ms. Houston was an extraordinary singer and entertainer. She was a hero to her daughter and family but not to the world. We need to lower the flag in honor of true heroes such as soldiers and police. Is the Governor's popularity really at risk here by not lowering the flag? Come on, what's the truth here?

  27. I think this is just another very sad example of the importance and emphasis our society gives "Celebrities". Whitney Huston was an entertainer who was paid very well for the work she performed. I know veterans who come home and can not get jobs, health insurance or in many cases ever lead a "Normal" life.......Please..... Regardless of her demons with substance abuse or not, her passing should not be honored in the same way we revere our American troops and others who Truly serve this country!

  28. Cathy Feb.15, 2012
    Shame on you for even thinking this, this should only be done for our military and all other that give their life to serve and protect us, Sorry about her death, but she in no way was a hero!!!!!!

  29. Very offensive, lifetime druggie and alcholic, shouldn't even have TV coverage. She's just like most all those liberal free spirited assholes in the entertainment world as well as actors and actresses all supporters of that socialist president we all ate so badly.
    All our men and women fallen from wars over the years derserve to be honored and the liberal media doesn't give them a thought.

  30. The whole news coverage of her death has been a joke. Who cared when her plane landed? Who cared about the big public funeral in a public center like Michael Jackson? Where are these same levels of care when the son's & daughter's come home; either carried for their sacrifice or not. After this joker does this he might as well urinate on EVERY veteran's grave who fought for his freedom to be so stupid.

    SapperMD - Panama / Gulf War / Iraq Freedom vet

    1. Sapper, all televised news is a joke. 100% of it. Nothing but tabloids, political propaganda, and sensationalism. Because televised news isn't really news. Its infotainment. Infotainment channels, like many of the people commenting on this blog, don't require fact checking. As long as they can point to another person as the source of a comment or assertion, they feel they have satisfied their fact checking obligations.

      News on TV dies with Walter Cronkite.

  31. This would be an absolute insult to all persons who have had flag lowered in their honor. Yes she had a great voice which was a gift from God but she never laid her life on the line for her country. I don't care what the cause of death was she still is an admitted drug addict or abuser. Just follow the Flag Etiquette which has been approved for years.

  32. These are some of the people who DESERVE the flag flown at halfmast!

    My Father

    Police Officer
    Harry Lorain Conyers, Jr.
    Clearwater Police Department, Florida

    End of Watch: Sunday, January 22, 1967

    Read more:

    Senior Police Officer Gail Thomas
    Atlanta Police Department, GA
    EOW: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
    Cause of Death: Vehicular assault

    Police Officer William D. "Bill" Talbert
    Montgomery County Police Department, MD
    EOW: Friday, January 27, 2012
    Cause of Death: Duty related illness

    Master Corporal Sandra E. "Sandy" Rogers
    Aiken Department of Public Safety, SC
    EOW: Saturday, January 28, 2012
    Cause of Death: Gunfire

    Police Officer Steven Green
    Mobile Police Department, AL
    EOW: Friday, February 3, 2012
    Cause of Death: Stabbed

    Read more:

  33. What a joke!! She is NOT a hero! May God rest her soul but she was just another drug addict that no one cared about. If her friends and family really cared they would have made sure she was in rehab!!

  34. Christie is, in my opinion, a Bill O'Reilly PIN HEAD for this suggestion.

  35. Whitney was fighting her own war with her own demons, NOT fighting for this country and our freedom. She was a great entertainer, but not a Soldier, not a police officer, and NOT worthy of having the flag lowered.

  36. That is an abuse of flag etiquette. It is a disgrace to real heroes.

  37. Although she was an amazing talent ... gifted in fact, her death does not earn her the honor of flag lowering. This is an honor reserved for military and government officials. And of I had my way, it would only be military personnel.

    1. GREAT IDEA! I LOVE Chrissi's idea to set up some sort of drug rehab center in her name...what a WONDERFUL and fitting way to honor her memory. Please consider it, Mr Christie.

  38. Gov. Christie,
    No disrespect however, Whitney Houston's untimely death does not constitute flags being lowered to have staff. As a wife whose husband has been in Afghanistan for over 2 years, missing the birth of his first granddaughter and me fighting my own battle with the return of breast cancer, it's a slap in the face to our troops and their family. If Whitney is so "iconic" because she was from the Oranges, she was on a path of distruction years ago. She wasn't a good role model for her own daughter, unless you consider rehab for a 16 year old being a good role model. Her parenting skills were less than stellar and you want the flags lowered!??? Pathetic ... And shame on you Govenor! God Bless our troops for fighting demons day nd night. Save it for the men and women of this country who actually deserves it!

  39. As a fellow soldier in no way do I support lowering of the flag for a drug addict. If anything the flag should stay lowered until all of the soldiers return home.

  40. You have got to be kidding. She had a God given talent she wasted away. She was a drug addict and a lousy role model. Get your priorities straight and honor true heroes and those who contribute to society.

  41. I'll tell you what, Gov. Christie~why don't y'all in NJ fly the flag at half mast for that druggie, and when you die, we'll leave it at the top. Fair enough trade?

  42. I Loved Whitney's singing voice.. but i think that lowering the Flag should remain for our Servicemen and Government officials..If you do it for one celebrity then our flag would be at half staff all the time..come on get real people

  43. I love her music, but she was not a fallen hero, a member of the first responders, or a public official. I'm sorry Governor, but I must agree with the majority of the posts here. I don't think it is worth losing your job over either.

  44. Yes it is sad that Whitney Houston died,but she did it to herself. In NO way was she a NATIONAL or STATE FIGURE.
    What is even sadder than her death or the fact that Governor Christie affords her this tribute is that NO ONE KNOWS the name of the latest soldier to die in Afghanistan.
    Only the president of the United States or the governor of the state may order the flag to be at half-staff to honor the death of a national or state figure.

    Read more:

  45. Although I thought Whitney Houston was a beautiful artist. I do not believe we should honor her this way.I believe this should be done for the following line of duty: Police Officer, FireFighter, Military, Governemt Leaders etc. Celebrities are not considered any of these. If this is the case, then we should fly the flag at half mass for every celebrity that passes away. I am not degrading Whitney Houston for her faults as we all have faults whether addiction or not. I can not begin to clean up her door step and talk ugly about her while I have my own life that needs improvement, however; I still don't feel the flag should be flown at half staff for her. Did we do it for John Wayne, Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy, or even Cancer patients. I think we should just keep it the way it is and find another way to pay tribute to Whitney

  46. Here's the protocol according to Wikipedia:

    "Governors of the several U.S. states or territories are authorized by federal law to order all U.S. and state flags in their jurisdiction flown at half-staff as a mark of respect for a state official or resident who has died. Since a governor's executive order affects only his or her state, not the entire country, these orders are distinguished from presidential proclamations."

    Since Whitney Houston was a resident of New Jersey, I guess that means that technically Christie has the right to do this, though if you ask me it is inappropriate and in poor taste. But he does have the right to make that call. Keep in mind it would ONLY apply in the State of New Jersey.

  47. Governor Christie needs to listen - we understand his position -- we're not stupid - and we are listening - we disagree with it - and if he had more invested in serving his country than running his mouth.

    Wife of wounded Viet Vet - Mother of decorated Iraq vet - mother-in-law of active duty soldier currently serving 3rd tour in Afghanistan

  48. Technically he is within his right to order the State flag only to fly half-staff but only the President, by proclamation, has the authority for the US flag to fly half-staff... but we know our Governor usually does and says whatever he pleases without thinking it through first.

  49. Does anyone every proofread anymore? I just sat down at the computer and read three different pages and all three had errors. Look at the first paragraph from above: "So Governor Christie of NJ wants to lower the flags on all state buildings for the day of Whitney Houstons funeral, I feel this something that should be kept for our men and women of our military branches and all first . . ." Houstons, should have an apostrophe. It is Houston's, followed by: I feel this something? I stopped reading, there are probably a dozen more errors!

    1. I guess not everyone is as smart as you

      I guess not everyone is as smart as you

  50. Whitney was a great singer. But also was a drug user and couldn't have been a very good role model. I want to know if all the flags are at half staff every time one of NJ military soldiers are buried? They deserve it more than Whitney. We glorify celebrities. But forgot about those that make it possible for people like Whitney to live in a country where she can become a celebrity. I say the flag should not be lowered for Whitney.

  51. Why anyone would wish to honor a crack-whore is beyond me. The woman had beauty and talent, blessed with a great voice; she chose to flush her life, her dignity, and her talents down the toilet. She died due to her inability to make healthy choices in life. Some role model for the children...look kids, we are gonna pay tribute to has-been who threw her future away for drugs, and if you are very bad, you can be just like her...nice message there for the next generation. Save the flag lowering for REAL heroes, not crack-whores.

  52. Are you kidding me!!!!! What has happened to this country and values!!

  53. Since when do we lower a flag for a singer??? She had a beautiful voice, but she is not a hero by my standards. What did she do for this country, but keep the drug suppliers in business....

  54. Since when do we lower a flag for a singer??? She had a beautiful voice, but she is not a hero by my standards. What did she do for this country, but keep the drug suppliers in business....

  55. Wow, so much hate. Sure, whenever true heros (military, police, firefighters, etc.) die in the line of duty we should lower our flags. Politicians, never! Unless they were assissinated. For most of Whitney's life she was in fact a good role model. The middle years, not so much. Since she is from New Jersey I have no problem with the New Jersey state flag flying at half-staff on Saturday. Not the national flag and certainly not the US flag. RIP Whitney. The demons that haunted your here on earth are gone. Sing with the angels baby.

  56. Whitney Houston had a beautiful voice, a role model for New Jersey children, NO she chose her lifestyle of drugs, lower the amercian flag for her NO you just lost a vote. You have just dishonored every amercian soldier who lost their life in a war, police and firefighters who lost their life in the line of duty by equating their deaths to the death of a crack addict.

  57. Christi, don't you think we should keep this related to real heros and not a singer who although she had a beautiful voice, was really not a hero to this country like those who give their life to protect yours and mine?? I don't want a flag lowered to half staff for this. She gave up on her family and freinds when she choose to continue doing drugs. Maybe they were perscription meds, but taken in the wrong manner are worse than buying on the streets. She got to do it legally, but she gave up either way. The people who die for this country, never gave up on their families or the strangers they never knew. I had respect for you, but if you do this, tyhats all gone.

  58. Please keep in mind that no one in this world is perfect. That being said, a family has still lost a loved one - show some respect.

  59. To fly the flags at half mast for Whitney Houston is an insult to the honor this symbol stands for and those honored by it. I wouldn't care if she wasn't in drugs, if she stayed clean. How disrespectful.

    I am a veteran, and I am highly offended by this...

  60. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that the governor wants to give the same respect to a crackhead that is given to our fallen soldiers and emergency personnel. I think the whole 'Whitney dieing' thing has already taken up too much of the airwaves and posts. She killed herself - bottom line! Do we have to glorify her drug addiction and subsequent passing? SMH!

  61. I think it is a disgrace to show such respect and honor for a drug addict whose actions surely took a toll on her body and shortened her life. Whitney Houston was a beautiful woman with an amazing gift but in no way deserves this honor!It needs to be saved it for the real Heroes in America that protect this great Country everyday!God bless this country and the men and women that die to protect it, as they are real role models and true heroes!

  62. I know that Whitney Houston was a great singer, but she did not fight for our country. Flying the glad @a half staff is ment for the men & women who died for our country. That in my eyes is a disgrace if they do that for her.

  63. Well I think the people have spoken. It is a definete NO. I don't even think the State flag should fly at half staff for Whitney Houston, that HONOR is also saved for people of HONOR as well. COME ON PEOPLE !!!!!! What the heck is going on. Once upon a time she was a wonderful singer but she gave that up for drugs and alchohol. Please just bury this poor woman and let her rest in peace, dont make her out to be a hero to our children because she's not.

  64. If the Governor of New Jersey wants to disgrace the State Flag of New Jersey, that is his problem, she didn't even put up a fight in the War against Drugs.

    DO NOT disgrace my country's Flag by honoring a drug addict. Too many of my classmates died fighting for that Flag.

    1. I agree 100% with Art. Whitney Huston's death is so sad..I love her music..but she is not a hero..let her rest in peace and save the Flag for the real heroes.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I've always seen the half-mast flag as something for fallen heroes, or presidents. Certainly no entertainer, no matter what their cultural contribution deserves this honor. She was a singer, that's all. Unfortunately, the good she did will forever be marred with the fact she was also a drug addict and alcoholic, who most likely died because of this.

  67. Yes, the flags should be lowered. She's a national icon and she deserves that honor. It shouldn't even be questioned imho.

  68. I don't agree with lowering the flag to half-mast for Whitney Houston. Why? Because she spent her youth in NJ? What exactly did she do for NJ that would necessitate this honor for her? She had a beautiful voice and, sadly, met an untimely end due to her choice of a different lifestyle. The flag flying at half-mast should be an honor reserved for our military heros, presidents, and public service individuals. She was a singer who happened to be from NJ. So are a lot of actors, singers, etc. Will you be flying the flag at half-mast for every one of them when their time comes? I find this a disgrace and an insult to our brave soldiers who have given their life for this country...did you fly the flag at half-mast for them? Please reconsider.

  69. I find it repulsive that this would even be a consideration. An hour after her death I was sick of hearing about her. Granted her songs were good and her family I am sure is devastated but to glorify someone who took drugs, died because of drugs, and lead a life full of drug use and overexcessiveness is just unacceptable! Daily a military man or woman dies at war, or tries not to die during the war, our flags should already be at half staff for them until they come home safe and the war is over. NO Hollywood celebrity deserves that kind of treatment. Especially when this country is also fighting a "war on drugs" and she took so many that she died... what kind of message are you sending to the people especially the children of America if you hang a flag at half staff for a drug addicted woman who killed herself!! And as much as I like Gov. Christie I would have to seriously re-evaluate my opinion if he did something like that !

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Gov, Christie did you authorize the flag at half mast for these Heroes?

    Obituaries: Flemington resident Charles Zink dies; World War II Army ...

    Jan 24, 2012 ... FLEMINGTON — World War II Army veteran Charles Albert John Zink (aka C-4-B) died on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012, at Hunterdon Medical Center, ...
    Obituaries: Raritan Twp. resident Charles Grom dies at 94, retired ...

    Jan 31, 2012 ... Charles Eugene Grom died on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, in the Veterans Memorial Home, Menlo Park. He was 94. Born in Newark on Oct. 3, ...
    Stephen James McGrath Obituary: View Stephen McGrath's Obituary ...

    4 days ago ... Stephen was a veteran of the U.S. Army, having served as an ... Services will be held at Failla Memorial Home on Sunday, February 12, 2012, ...
    THE JERSEY JOURNAL OBITUARIES: Complete listing of The ...

    Results 76 - 100 of 368 ... CUNNINGHAM - John P., of Old Bethpage on January 20, 2012. Proud Navy Veteran. Retired N.Y, Telephone. Beloved husband of ...
    Joseph G. Majarowitz Sr. Obituary: View Joseph Majarowitz's ...

    Jan 23, 2012 ... 19, 2012, at the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home in Menlo Park. He was 72. Born in Trenton, Mr. Majarowitz was a longtime resident of ..

  72. The only time a flag should be at half-mast for a famous person from Nj is if they where a soldier or first resonder. It totaly makes me sick that Chris Christie would ever think this was the right thing to do.

  73. I am proud to be an American.. I have Military in my family..thank you to all those who serve our Country... The Flags in NJ are lowered to half staff for every fallen hero since Christie has entered office.. He has also done for for fire fighters and police officers. Everyone is calling Whitney a drug addict. You obviously don't know the good things she did.. She raised millions of dollars for the military families of the first Desert Storm and 9/11 firefighters and victims. She started The Whitney Houston Foundation For Children, a non-profit organization that has raised funds for the needs of children around the world. The organization cares for homelessness, children with cancer or AIDS, and other issues of self-empowerment.. and so much more.. If the Christie never mentioned lowering the flags, I would not have thought about it.. I have no real opinion either way.. We have so many others critical issues to address in NJ.. There are so many homeless...

  74. This is bullshit. It isn't earned, deserved, or in any way merited.

    If she were Count Basie, Sinatra, or Bruce, I could actually see it, because they remained in the public for years, entertaining the public and even the troops.

    However, Whitney Houston was popular for how long??? A blink of an eye compared to the others mentioned here (and by that idiot, Gov. Christie).

    Presidents, oongressmen, governors and the like get this honor. Whitney Houston isn't close to deserving it.

  75. Why???? Whitney was certainly a talent in her heyday, but she ended up ruining her life with drugs. She is nowhere near in the same category as the heroes that fight for our countries (Plural because I am Canadian, but I have the utmost respect and reverence for the men and women of the U.S. military - not only the ones that have given their lives, but the ones that have done the world a justice, by ridding it of the likes of Bin Laden!). Personally, I think if you stoop to lowering the flag for Whitney, it's an insult to the true heroes in the U.S. - the military, the firefighters, law enforcement, etc!!!

  76. I AM SICKENED BY THIS.....According to ICASULTIES.ORG : From 2003-2011 over 80 heros from New Jersey gave their lives for our country and not once was a flag flown half mast. One cokehead singer drowns in a tub and its a state in mourning. This country really needs to get its priorities in order.

  77. no way in hell it is for only certain people that aint her

  78. I'm sorry but this is completely disrespectful to heros of the United States. The flag should not be lowered for a singer who did nothing but supply music for the US instead of giving her life for her country.

  79. What a chump. He sickens me for wanting to lower the flag for her. She has done NOTHING to better this country and the lives of the people. She was just another person who happened to have a gorgeous voice that she at times threw away with the use of drugs.I say fly it half mast only if his sorry butt is thrown out of office! I don't live there, but you know what? I would want him GONE in a heartbeat!

  80. No way. Not deserving in the least.This is reserved for National Heroes or for Catastrophes. Although she was a great entertainer,I hope you reconsider your ridiculous idea

  81. i say hell no not lower the flag for a dam drug user. if you lower the flag for her then you will want too lower it for all drug feelings on the whole matter is this you lower it for her then you should be put out of office. and sent packing also you should not be able too run for any kind of office again for the rest of your life period. she might be a singing icon but dont deserve too have the flag lowered for her. i think the main reason you want it lowered for her is because she is black.

  82. Lowering the flag is for heros, men and women who have given their lives for the United States. To start lowering for others will make the meaning mean less. Degrading!

  83. No wonder your State is made fun of all the time. If one of the Jersey Shore cast dies,you will probably re-issue the same proclamation.

  84. Whitney Houston was a very talented and gifted entertainer who was the darling of the music industry when she first entered the business. She literally had the world by the tail, but instead of cultivating and growing herself professionally, she went the other way and capitalized on the commercial end of her talents and the "fast and furious" lifestyle.

    Her bout with alcohol, drugs and her domestic life over the years is hardly reflectant of a hero of any kind. She went into treatment many many times with little improvement, and at the young age of 48 it all ended. Yet during this life she was never known for community contributions, or giving of any kind to her community and country, other than singing at the Super Bowl. We all know she did a great job with that and it served to further launch her career.

    Maybe much of this was due to her handlers and their greed, but the bottom line is she never took charge of HER life, but unfortunately left it to others who likely only stood to gain. She certainly deserves some recognition, but to lower the Stars and Stripes to honor a life and lifestyle such as that would be a travesty to our country and what it stands for. Especially when there are veteran's who gave their life for a noble and honorable cause, their country and in many cases don't even get "honorable mention".

    If Governor Christie does this (and he can) it will reflect more of a "grandstand action" on his behalf and will only honor bad behavior with more bad behavior !!!

  85. I am American. My entire family has been in some branch of the military dated back to the Civil War. I am very proud of my family and the military. In 1984 my brother died serving his country in the Army. He came home in a card board box with two metal bands with no flag. That was hard. The flag was lowered for my brother in our city because of my mother and who she knew. Otherwise, I don't think as many would of been. I hate to tell you, but the American flag has been lowered in the past for other stars. I know they are not hero's but they are to that state. I really don't agree with it, but the government does what it wants. Please don't get your panties in a wod. The flag was lowered for Rosa Parks when she passed away. I have no problem with that it because she was a hero. It has been lowered for sports icons and many more. The flag is a special symbol if the United States and what we went through for freedom.

  86. Hmm, while I could see the intent behind this I do feel that if we do this for Whitney Houstons, then were do we stop??? Yes she was famous, but our troops are underpaid and still put their lives on the line for honor, I would rather see the flag half mass for them, seeing as they are taking risks that involve their lives (the most priceless thing).

    Unfortantly I can't server myself, but I am very appreciative of what the men and woman of armed forces do for me and everyone else. I think that should be one thing reserved for them

  87. As a vet this would be the biggest insult of my life. Flags at half mast are suppose to be people of honor. Now if your state wants to fly its flag at half mast fine show you have no taste. But the American stays at full mast.

  88. Seriously....I'm sorry that she has passed and yes she was a good singer in her day but she was no hero and is not worthy of such an honor.

  89. She might have had a great voice and she may have sung the national anthem very nicely and like a patriot. But how many patriots do you think we have in this country? Do we hang the flag at half mast for everyone? Governor Christie, you have lowered the status of all our true heroes of this nation. You are part of the decay that plagues this country. But what else can we expect from our politicians? As a veteran who served this country for 20 years, you make me ashamed of my service to my country. There are certain protocols reserved for only those that have served and sacrificed for our nation. The next thing you’ll want to do is to bury her in a veterans cemetery with a rifle squad and an American flag draped over her coffin! Will you have Taps played too? Governor, you have slapped every veteran and first responder in the face. It’s obvious that you have no idea what it’s about. You had my respect until you pulled this stunt. You are not a leader, you’re a fake. If you have any hopes of ever continuing your political carrier, reverse your decision immediately! We the people, we the veterans, we the citizens, (your bosses) demand that you stop this facade now!

  90. This is a disgrace to first responders and those that lay their lives on the line every day. She was a woman blessed with the talent to sing and she wasted her talent over drugs. What message are we sending to children - be a singer use drugs and die soon but we will honor your life. I don't think Whitney would even think this is a good idea. Really is he up for re-election?

  91. Soldiers,Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guard Personnel and Law Enforcement, Firefighters and first responders (all Heroes) dedicate their lives to defending this country or otherwise protecting our citizenry.

    In years past, citizens knew the names of men and women that risked life or liberty for this country: Audie Murphy, Martin Luther King, Sergeant York, John Glenn, Chuck Yeager, Rosa Parks, George Washington, John Kennedy.

    Kids would grow up wanting to be a soldier, firefighter, police officer, preacher or President.

    Now celebrity and fame are the "American Dream"...

    While reading this and without reference... name two Medal of Honor Recipients from Iraq or Afghanistan...or name two military members killed in action...

    Now, name a winner of American Idol or a reality TV star that is famous because he or she will "Do what ever is necessary to win the cash prize"

    I do feel terrible for the family's loss as no parent should suffer the loss of a child.

    However, Miss Huston did not dedicate her life to protecting US; she was a woman that sang songs and was paid handsomely for this talent and everything she did... she did of her own accord. She was never deployed with no notice over Christmas, if there was a family birthday coming up.. she could decide whether she wanted to attend or not.

    The choice to be home at Christmas or for a birthday party may seem trivial to many people but it is something our true Heroes have no control over as.. they are serving a higher calling than entertainment.

    As proof of this last statement... how many news reports have you seen dedicated to "A soldier is going to surprise his kids by jumping out of a box at school" It is a surprise because the kids believe he or she is still deployed.

    For every news report like that above... "Awww... isn't that wonderful how happy the kids are to see the parent who is home after being deployed for 6 months...aww... heart warming..." there are tens of thousands of Heroes that are deployed, working over time, going out on a call or otherwise unable to be with their family... again, because they are answering a higher calling.

    Lowering the State flag of New Jersey seems like an appropriate honor if she is the person that the Governor wants everyone to think of when they see the state flag at half staff.

    This provides the true issue here: the reason for lowering a flag is not really about the deceased..

    The reason the flag is lowered is so that people will look at the flag... see it flying at half staff and then... take a moment to reflect upon the loss that lowered flag means in their life.

    Therefore, lowering the US flag should be kept at a higher standard... for those that provide selfless service.

    As a soldier and military parent.. whenever I pass a government building and see a US flag at half staff I pause to say a prayer knowing that our country has lost a Hero that died protecting us and our way of life.

    Given the current situation, if the US flag is lowered for an entertainer, I will now have to wonder if our country has lost a true HERO who had dedicated their life to our country and freedom or..... maybe it was the passing of the winner of the "Wow: You Can Really Sing Good"reality show.

    Please maintain the honor, meaning and standard for lowering the Stars and Stripes Mr. Governor...

  92. Not only is lowering a countries flag for a singer/actress beyond absurd, it is also an almighty insult towards those who actually deserve such an honour. Whatever did Whitney Houston ever do to advance humanity? She was just an entertainer. Her lifestyle choices contributed to her death, as sad as that is, it would be crass to reward her in death for it.

  93. I feel sorry for Miss Huston's daughter because I know how it feels to lose your Mom. I also feel sorry for Miss Huston, because for a short while I was hooked on pain killers. I KNOW how hard it can be to walk away from drugs. Miss Huston had the advantage of being very wealthy, and very popular. She could also afford the best doctors, psychiatrists, and poshest of clinics. Help was always available to her, and she could have done it discretely. Miss Huston DID went through rehab a number of times, so she clearly KNEW she had a problem, and some part of her clearly wanted off the drugs. Even the death of one of her closest friends, Micheal Jackson, could not keep her off of the stuff for long I'm sorry that her drug use eventually led to her death, but she is clearly not a role model for young people to admire. I can remember an interview during which she and her ex-husband, Bobby Brown, when asked if she used Crack, Miss Huston laughed and actually bragged about using special concoction that she had her husband and invented - Marijuana laced with cocaine. Is that the kind of person you want your kids looking up to? Lowering our flags to half staff is a salute to heroes who lost their lives in the line of duty - soldiers, sailors, police officers, firefighters, Rescue Workers, Doctors and Nurses who go into war zones to treat the wounded, etc. - While Miss Huston was famous, and much loved by her fans, her passing does not warrant a heroes salute. Let her be remembered for her music, but it is wrong to lower the flag for her.

  94. First, Christie is an idiot for hundreds of reasons.

    Second, flags get lowered for people who have made significant contributions all the time. Celebs are no exception. Everyone ranting about how this should only be for soldiers or police.... I understand your gut reaction, but you are wrong.

    Flying the flag at half mast is a sign of respect given to anyone who deserves it upon their death, that is simple historical fact. Presidents decide for the nation, govs for states, mayors for cities.

    You can object to lowering the flag for WH, but you need to step back a pace if you think we should suddenly create some special category of people who are the only ones who are deserving of that kind of respect and honor.

    You also need to step back a pace if you think you have a voice in dictating who individual states can lower their flags for unless you live in that state. NJ residents, please feel free to step up and call your gov a moron for doing this, the rest of us need to shut up and mind our own business.

  95. I also feel the loss of the great talent that Whitney had. As a Viet-Nam veteran.I KNOW what the Flag Code is. I also served on the Honor Guard. As well intended that the action that your action was, it left a very sour note in the hearts of all the Veterans and Families of the ones that paid the ultimate price in our current wars. Did you authorize the lowering of the flag for every New Jersey war casualty from Afganistang & Iran? I think you just Lost more than you can imagine.

  96. I signed up for twitter just to tell the Governor how I felt about this. Whitney Houston did not lay down her life to protect the people of the United States. Unfortunately she probably died like so many other celebrities..overdose on anxiety medication. Truth of the matter is she mattered, but NOT for the same reasons we lower the flag for. I really hope the Governor realizes what a mistake he would be making by lowering the flag.

  97. Lets just be clear... Presidents and Governors have broad authority to order flags flown at half staff. The reasons can be just about anything.

    Copy and paste that for the full flag code. Should take less than 5 minutes to read.

    Some things presidents have ordered flags flown at half staff for:

    Hurricane Katrina
    2006 tsunami
    The Virginia Tech killings
    OK City bombing
    The death of the last Pope

    And, to be even more clear, the flag code does not indicate that any individual soldier merits a flag at half staff. Soldiers get their due on Memorial Day every year, per the law.

    And one final clarification- police and firefighters are not mentioned in the flag code. At all.

    Some states (NY and Nebraska for example) have a law/s that makes all service persons (military, police, fire, etc) de facto public officials for the purposed of flag etiquette and grants local officials the right to lower flags for the deaths of those they feel deserve it in that group.

    In CA the US and state flags were lowered, by order of the governor, at every death of a CA soldier. In Nebraska the governor has not issued that order once, he lets local officials decide.

    So really people, those of you making snap emotional judgements while being unencumbered by the facts of the law, flag etiquette, and the various implementations of the law... you need to stop and take a breath.

    Individual soldiers can, and are, honored by their communities every day.

    Federal and state governments have broad authority to lower flags. Gov Christie (the guy is a first class asshat, imo) is not only within the law on this, he is within his authority and is not acting outside tradition or common practice.

  98. This man is a JOKER!!!!!!!!!! Does he not know that lowering of the flag's is ONLY FOR DEAD PRESIDENT'S / FALLEN SOLDIER'S / FALLEN POLICE OFFICER'S AND FALLEN FIREMAN!!! That Right Is Reserved For The Highest HONER'S ONLY!!!!! Please tell me what did she do that make's hear deserve that HONER????
    I am from different Country that could me it why i don't understand but i don't give a shit about hear she had it all and throw it all away ups Shell i say PISSED IT ALL AWAY!!!!!! OR JACKED IT ALL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  99. I cannot believe the gall of Mr. Christie. I am in agreement that an honor
    such as this should be reserved for our fallen heroes, heads of state, etc.
    I believe that by flying our National Symbol for a dead singer is wrong, It
    cheapens the gesture of honor greatly.
    But then, our politicians have a way of degrading anything that is honorable, look what they have been doing to our Constitution.

  100. I have never seen any flag in NJ at half staff for any American soldier since the day the war started overseas in 2002. Period. Their residence in NJ shouldn't matter. Respect is respect.

    I simply do not agree that Miss Houston deserves that honor because she was socially relevant 15yrs ago or more. I do not agree that the media and our state gov't allow that honor to be bestowed upon a glorified crack addict.

    By allowing her that honor, you teach the children there is honor and respect in drug use/abuse.

    I have three words for this...

    F### That.

    1. That looks like two words from over here......

    2. Excellent reply! All the media is doing and now this crap is sending the message out to our youth it's okay to use drugs as long as you are a celebrity! It is totally disgusting to me that he even considered this! God Bless!

  101. I am the widow of a KIA soldier and am deeply offended. Why would anyone want to fly flags half-mast for singers? This undermines the heroic actions of our men! I'm glad I don't live in NJ. I can't imagine a thing like this happening in PA, which is a very patriotic state. Mr Christie, you should be embarrassed that this issue even needs to be brought up...and I heard that you are a veteran, which makes it all the MORE unbelievable!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are going to have to explain to me how honoring another person undermines or cheapens the actions of other people.

      While I disagree with lowering the flag for entertainers, just because they were famous, I have to take issue with all the nonsense people are spouting about how giving an honor to one person lessens or cheapens the honors you give to others. Because it doesn't.

  102. Whitney was a great singer....but lowering the flag for her is totally wonder our children today have no concept of what a hero really is... we glamorize the people with money, who show up on stupid shows like TMZ, and who 'deserve a second chance'.. I am a huge Joe Paterno fan, attended the funeral in State College etc... but still had a little twinge when they lowered the flag for him in Pennsylvania when he passed.... but at least he was a Veteran!!!! The real heroes....our country is going backwards instead of forwards.

    1. Your reply is so on the money! I replied as to what type of message this sends out to our youth! To me it indicates using drugs is okay as long as you are a celebrity! Pathetic! I think he should be impeached for considering such an act! God Bless!

  103. I am not going to disrespect Whitney's family by throwing garbage out about her. However, she was not a Hero in the true sense of the word. So you need to get over the crush you have on her...she is gone! Listen to the public outcry. The men and women who died for and are willing to die for our country are the real hero's. Who voted you in anyway????

  104. Is is the lowering of the criterion for why a flag should be flown at half mast.... not the undermining of others
    .... we have continually lowered our standards ... but I guess what it really comes down to is what you think the flag of your country represents.

  105. No way should the flag be lowered for a star. Only for those who have given their life for this country. It is my understanding that a flag should not be lowered except for a government official or a soldier. What did she do for this country, except be a wonderful singer. NO DO NOT LOWER THE FLAG!!!!!!!!!!

  106. What a slap in the face to are troops and are fallen hero's I am a Vietnam veteran and we honor are brother and sisters who have given their full measure. Now we have a governor who thinks that it is okay to lower flags for a singer what's next if this is okay. I say no way do not lower the flags.

  107. Here is yet another that deserves to be honored with the flag at half mast. But will Gov. Christie come out and publicly announce it? NO because it is not popular. Thanks for the slap in the face GOV. CHRISTIE from those who protect and serve. When you call 911 does the entertainment community rush to help you? When there is unrest in some god forsaken place is it the entertainers who go no questions asked? I think not.

    Police Officer Christopher Matlosz | Lakewood Police Department, New Jersey Lakewood Police Department, New Jersey
    Police Officer
    Christopher Matlosz
    Lakewood Police Department, New Jersey

    End of Watch: Friday, January 14, 2011

    Read more:

    1. My Prayers go out to the Officers family! Your comment is so on the money! The media and so many are acting like she was a god, she was a talented human being and a known drug user! God Bless!

  108. I believe flag lowering should be for the ones who put their lives in harms way for our freedom and our personal physical well being. Our flag is about freedom and liberty which is given to us by those in service. They allow me to eat, enjoy the outdoors, drive where I want, worship where I want and sleep at night knowing they are watching over us. Whitney had a beautiful voice and is a great loss to the music industry, but she hasn't saved me from anything.

  109. Is this gov an idiot or what? I have 2 sons in the Air Force who have never done drugs, yet I go to bed every night praying God keeps them safe. Was the flag lowered for Michael Jackson or (showing my age) Elvis Presley? People of NJ, get this nut case out of office!!!!

  110. This was a really bad choice , everyone of the comments above are exactly how I feel , What a disappointment , this just goes to show what some people hold dear , she has money and a beautiful voice it doesn't make her a hero , OMG hundreds of Soldiers from NJ died protecting each one of us ,how about the police officers that died in the line of duty , did ya lower the flag for each and every one of them , I doubt it , what a joke , all I can think of is when Whitney had a reality show ( short lived ) all I can see is her sitting on the toilet yelling for her husband to come in and help her have a bowel movement ,OMG (my hand to god that was on television ) and quite honestly I think she was high , not falling over but high that's a real Role Model

  111. I disagree completely with his decision to lower the flag for her its not right, she was a great singer but shes definitely no hero she never ran into a burning building to save a family, she never went to war for her country and its freedom so what makes her so special that she deserves that honor? The answer is nothing...she was a self-absorbed drug addict so that makes her deserving of this but hell no! Frankly I think its a slap in the face to our real heroes who risk their lives on a daily basis! Its ridiculous that he could even think about doing this!

    -pissed off former volunteer firefighter and Marine wife

  112. I am astonished that Governor Christie would consider such an act! She was a known drug user! Really what type of message does this send out to the youth in our country and all over the world??? I see it as long as you are a celebrity it is okay to use drugs, gee we will even honor you after your death from an overdose of drugs! She was a talented Human being, she wasn't a god and that is how I see your reaction by considering lowering the Flag in honor of her! Let's wake up People!!! The people we should be honoring - our Military, Firefighters, Police, Volunteers for the Elderly and Youth do not get one ounce of recognition!

  113. Everyone in Jersey can do something come time to cast your ballot for next governor. Throw the big bag of attitude and condescending comments to the foot of the Jersey capital building and out of the governors mansion. Too bad he has a pension for serving as Governor. Abuse of the flag and not following the code, each flag flown half staff should be replaced with new ones the very next day. Replaced with Christie's own money. And people want this dude running for President! Think about it!

  114. I respected all of Gov. Christies decisions and backed him up on them in the past but i am absolutely 100% against this one and it may backfire on him come election time and a possible presidential run in 2016. I am reconsidering my support for Governor Christie as this is a support for druggies. She had great pipes but should not be a role model for anyone. Governor, please reconsider, I know you could and it is not a sign of weakness or giving in to public demand it is a sign of understanding and compromise for all of our TRUE HERO's..I have a marine nephew who just got back from Afghanistan with his second tour there and i had 37 of my fellow police officers die in the WTC along with many more dying of cancer related problems from the WTC . These people are hero's, Not WHITNEY HOUSTON

  115. I agree with Ken. This is going way overboard. She was not a hero or a model example for anyone. I think it is so wrong to fly the flags at half staff for her. That is for the true heroes only. I am very disappointed in Governor Christie's decision to do this. It is ludicrous.
    Whitney Houston was anything but a hero.

  116. My question is. What gives a Governor the right to order an American Flag to fly half Staff. If I am not mistaking. After 9/11 the law was changed allowing a State official to order The American Flag to half staff when a soldier from that state is coming home. Other wise they have no right and only the Executive cabinet of the President can order flags to Half Staff. If he want to respect her for being from New Jersey then order New Jersey State Flags to half staff.

  117. Why should we lower the flags for a drug user? what has she done for our country to deserve the flags being lowered in her behalf? She is not worth this. She was a drug user and didn't do anything for this country. Why should we be so shocked about her dying when there are tons of thousands of soldiers being killed in IRAQ and Afganistan? She didn't do anything for our country.
