Sunday, February 12, 2012

A tribute to a fallen Hero

Pte. Chad Horn was killed in Sept 2008 with two other soldier Cpl. Andrew Paul Grenon and Cpl. Michael Seggie in Afghanistan. Chad was ten days away from returning from his deployment back to Calgary, Alberta. I joined his Memorial Page on Facebook and planned to attend his funeral here in Calgary as it was open to the public.

This was my first military funeral and you see the flag draped caskets on TV returning home but I would never be able to put in to words the feeling when you see one coming down the isle of the church. It was there that I met a lot of Chad's family and hear the stories shared by his friends during the funeral. I quickly found out what an amazing young man he was.

I had become good friends with his mother Anita and she invited me to the following Remembrance Day ceremony in Calgary in which she would be the Silver Cross Mother, here I got to meet more of Chad's family and listen to them share funny memories of him and you could see the pride in their eyes.

About a year ago I met Sarah B. who in her spare time draws soldiers and have featured her other work on our page. I asked her if she would draw a photo of Pte Chad Horn for me to give to his mother and today I got to do just that.

This is the original photo she used and I learned today after chatting with Anita that the cat's name was Scooba and Chad would mention the cat a lot in his letters home and even had a sent a video of him. Anita also told me that the watch in the photo Chad is wearing she also wears now as it was one of the few things that made it back from Afghanistan. Anita also said she had thought about this photo a few days ago when a friend of hers had posted a photo of their son with a similar photo.

I want to thank Sarah B. for taking the time to do this for Chad's family and here is the photo she drew.

For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice - The words Pte Chad Horn had tattooed on his back

Pte Chad Horns mother Anita with the photo of her son


  1. Beautiful. I know all of our sons and daughters are standing shoulder to shoulder looking over us until it is time for us to hold them in our arms once again...

  2. Amazing. Chad was always full of humor and a great guy to work with. This picture shows the side of him that I remember. It's a fabulous portrait.

  3. Its so uplifting to hear a little about these precious loved ones that have given their lives for this country!!! It sure shows us that human side of them---not just another Soldier ya know--but each one their own individuality----thanx for allowing us a glimpse of this wonderful young man!!! And the Soldier sure picked the perfect words to leave behind!!! Ty to his family n friends---prayers to you all!! <3

  4. This is beautiful. The picture is so delightful, yet am appropriately serious reminder of his sacrifice. Great work by the artist, and may Chad rest in peace.

  5. Anita, I am so sorry for the loss of your Son. May you find comfort in all the silent thoughts of love and words of thanks that go unspoken.

  6. How much more worthy Chad Horn is to be remembered with honor, than the crowds of empty-headed partygoers who mill around our cities, thinking of nothing but their own fun.

  7. Anita, as the mother of two sons, one in the military. I cannot fathom the pain you must feel. There are really no words that can be said, that can lessen your feeling of loss. Yet, I feel the need to tell you how much my heart weeps for you. Your wonderful son Chad, gave the ultimate sacrifice. His life, and you also gave the ultimate sacrifice, your beautiful young son.I know that a Mother-Son bond can not ever be severed, Even by death. I do believe it is eternal, as love never dies for our children, nor will his love for you. Thanks are never enough. Yet, that is all I can offer, as well as my prayers, heartfelt love and tears. I do not have to know you, to hurt for you, pray for you, and love your Son for giving his life to protect others. Nothing is more honorable than his selflessness. God Bless you, your family and Chad. Until you can again hold him in your arms, may the feeling of his love for you, sustain you. Rest Sweet Child, your job here is done. Until the time that you are able to embrace again, May you find the Peace, that your son, Chad is now experiencing. My sincerest condolences and sympathy to you and your family. Suzanne, Daniel and Alexander Aldeghi.

  8. This is a wonderful write up to read and help others to understand what our young people are going through for peace. The real pictures were wonderful to be shared and the drawing was out of this world. My deepest sympathy and prayers are with the family. Joyce Putnam Eugene Oregon USA

  9. to all my fallen brothers and pte. chad horn , may god hold you, and keep you in his arms . prayers go out to PTE chad horn family. god bless you and all still out there fighting for all of us in the homeland.

  10. I am so sorry about all the fallen... God bless all your families! Let's bring the troops home!!

  11. LOVE it.What ever happened to the cat

  12. How beautiful....Love and prayers to the family left behind. Someday you will all be together again in a better place. I am so sorry and so sad for your loss. God bless you all.

  13. Wonderful Tribute to a Fallen Hero. The work is very nicely done! Prayers go out to the family.RIP Pte Chad Horn Never Forgotten

  14. Thank you for remembering Chad and his mom....the picture of Chad and his cat brings us all closer to "the moment" we have each day to give comfort to another human being or one of God's Creatures. I am sure that Chad's mom keeps his empathy alive in those she meets....God Bless...Greg Hartnett, Exeter, RI

  15. So sorry for your loss. The drawing and picture portray a man with a heart for all. May God always keep you in His loving arms. And always know that I, as a Marine mom, truly thank your son for his sacrifice. God bless you each and every second of every minute of every hour daily.

  16. God Bless Brother, We will all see you when we get there, save a spot.

  17. He will not be forgotten, his memory will live on. Rest in Peace Brave One.

  18. Absolutely beautiful. god bless . he is a true hero.

  19. His Sacrifice allows us to breath in a free world everyday. Thank You Pte. Horn. Thank You

  20. Your work is AMAZING!!!!! God Bless You for youyr talents and contributions.

  21. My 20 year old son is currently serving in Afghanistan. As I read this story I wept, not only for the loss of Chad, an amazing young man, but for the loss of all past, present,and future lives that will be sacrificed to protect those they love and those they do not even know, those who will never know them unless they are lost to us. I wept for the lost time these families selflessly give; the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries......that others celebrate together. You have given the ultimate sacrifice anyone can give, your child. God Bless You and your loved ones. May you someday find peace.

    1. My father served in two wars, my mother said it was the hardest thing she would ever live through, the waiting to see him again, not knowing if he was coming home, my thoughts are with you and your family, as you await the return of your son. Bless him for his strength and courage, to stand on gaurd for all of us.

  22. Trying to say "Thank You" in the beacon of such sacrifice is like trying to get a drink from a fire-hose. Jesus said that to lay down one's life so that another might live is the greatest act of love. I guess these things are like that.
