Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MCpl Jody Mitic - The most inspirational veteran I know

Starting Monday July 15th, Jody Mitic and his brother Cory will be contestants on The Amazing Race Canada.

Thousands of Canadians applied for "The Amazing Race Canada," but only nine teams were chosen to take part. Jody and Cory Mitic, brothers from Ottawa and Edmonton, respectively. Jody is a Canadian Forces veteran (an army sniper, no less) and a double amputee, and Cory is a labour relations officer.

Their motto: "They are the enemy and we shall destroy them."

As you may or may not know I originally went to Jody when The Amazing Race was announced I approached Jody and asked if he wanted to try out for the show with me.  We did the video and had some steam going behind us.  Sadly for personal reasons I had to withdraw from the application which I did feel horrible about but Jody understood.  THANKFULLY he was able to continue his application with his brother Cory Mitic and we will be cheering them on through this journey.

Jody Mitic has been one of the biggest inspirations in my life and am proud to call him a friend.

"I realized I must have stepped on something. I freaked out ... I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I was calling (for the others) but they were already working on me to stop the bleeding." Sweating due to shock, he started to shiver. Despite the bone sticking out of his left leg, he kept talking to his guys to keep his mind off the injuries. "My job was to let them help me, stay focused, to control my breathing."

One of the medics who assisted in nursing Jody back to health is his now girlfriend Allanah and they also have a child together. Jody also does work with the Soldier On program and is one of the most inspiring people I know.

In 1994 I was involved in a mugging and attacked by three guys in Ottawa, Ontario and stabbed 13 times. Two of these wounds cut the muscle in my leg and if it wasn't for two off duty fire fighters who jumped out of their car when they saw me lying on the sidewalk I would have lost my left leg. To this day I still have no nerves in my upper left leg and for years I used it as an excuse to be lazy. Watching a YouTube video about how Jody Mitic was to run a half marathon on prosthetic legs was the kick in the ass I needed to get me going.

You see for years If I walked over 1km I would have severe leg cramps, If I went to the movies I'd have to get up and walk around to not have pains in my leg. That was until I read about Jody.

Two years ago in June, I did the Loops for troops 5km walk and had no pains at all, as I was feeling tired during the walk I thought about Jody and it kept me going. This past June I cut 20 minutes off my time and now walk 5km a day with no problem or pain.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thats an awesome n inspiring story!!! Ty for your service Jody--its hunmbling to see the price you paid for us who live in this country!! and good luck on your marathons!!! :)
