Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Thank A Soldier - Weight Loss Challenge

A week ago I entered a contest on Facebook for a signed game worn Landan Silk Talley jersey and was lucky enough to win it.  I found out these jerseys are custom fit and me being 6'2 and 300lbs there was no way I would be able to wear it.  I decided that starting February 29th, I was going to make it my goal to be able to fit in to the jersey by July 1st which is the Calgary Stampeders home opener in Calgary, Alberta

I posted a Facebook update saying that "Tomorrow is Day One" and a friend of mine Chris Mcardle said he was starting something similar tomorrow as well and thus this whole project was born.

We have decided that from March 1st to July 1st we are both going to attempt to get in shape and donate $2.00 for every pound that we lose to MILITARY MINDS!

If you just want to show myself & Chris support please join our Facebook Page and post a message on there, myself & Chris will be posting photos and weekly updates of our progress on there too.  You don't have to take part in the challenge to join our Facebook page, you can join and send us some encouragement as me and my friend Chris attempt to our better our lives and help out other soldiers in return.

"I have been living with my weight for too long, I have always found it to be a problem for me. I wanted to join the Canadian Forces when I was younger and was told I had to loose weight to do it. I have tried over the years to loose the weight but with no luck. After battling with depression and my weight, I took a job as a Civillian Support Worker in Kandahar Afghanistan. I worked there for a year beside the CF and found a new drive to loose the weight and get into the Forces. I came home from my year in Afghanistan feeling out of place and depressed. I had a hard time adjusting to home life and kept wanting to go back. We were not offered help when we came home, but I was lucky to have a wonderful support network and it has taken me months but I am back to where I need to be mentaly. I am now back to work and have decided I need to loose the weight!! Get in Shape and join the Forces Reserves. Currently I have started using Body By VI, watching my calories, and exercising everyday. My goal is to loose 130lbs in 2012. " -  Chris Mcardle

"I'm Dave Murphy the founder of Thank A Soldier and I have been struggling with my weight for years.  I had lost a significant amount of weight about a year ago but have recently put it back on again and it's time for a change.  Today after posting the Facebook status above seeing all the encouraging messages I thought of how I could tie this in with our website and help out the folks at Military Minds and who knows who else we might inspire at the same time.  I am not sure of my weight as I haven't weighed myself in over a year but tomorrow I go to meet with the people at a local gym and will post my starting weight once I find that out.  Personally I think I am hoping to lose atleast 60lbs in the next four months which I think is a reasonable goal.  Myself and Chris will be updating via our Facebook Page and posting update photos.  If you would like to be a participant the information about where to email is listed below.  ALSO if you would like to sponsor myself or Chris the link to donate is at the bottom of this page." - Dave Murphy - Thank A Soldier 

Hello my name is Mark Maclean...Ive been struggling with my weight for about 10 years now..Now in the last 5 years of becoming a diabetic and suffering a stroke and recently being put on insulin losing weight and getting back in shape is my top priorty...I weigh now 255 pounds and my objective is to get to 175ibs...I know this will be hard but being a diabetic Im going to fight this 100% so i will be able to live a long and healthy life.
Mark Maclean - Ontario, Canada

Note : I have also received several emails from people seeing the status saying they want to take part to which we are going to open this up to anyone who wants to get involved.  If you would like to join the challenge

There is no deadline to participate and if you don't want to post a photo that is ok too but if you want to participate please JOIN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE post a photo of yourself and an introduction and We will get you added to the blog page here as soon as possible.  

you can also have others sponsor you, you can send them directly to this page.

Click the above button to sponsor us (All Proceeds go to Military Minds)


Military Minds was started by Cpl Chris Dupee (Canadian Forces) who launched a YouTube video speaking out about how he was dealing with PTSD that has started a wave of something very special on Facebook helping soldiers internationally.  Most recently a US Marine contacted Chris for help and he is flying to Toronto in the next few weeks to do a video shoot with them to help other soldiers suffering from PTSD symptoms.


  1. Good for you Chris... Best of luck bro!

  2. Yo Dave and Chris I wanted to say you are an inspiration to others. I want to thank you both for bring this cause and awareness for our troops Canadian and US to get fit. I have exprience this my entire life growning up as a military kid watching my father fight with his weight. Im definitely going to encourage him to join this causeand also watch him shed some weight in the process.

    Thank Again,
    Landan Talley
    Calgary Stampeders #84

  3. I think this is a great idea. As a retired Military Officer, I have gained lots of weight for many different reasons. I ballooned up to 362 at my heaviest and now at 196, and being 6 feet tall. I been using the Body By Vi to help with my weight loss goals and to help with getting the proper vitamin & minerals I need on a daily bases! I know how hard it is to lose weight and wish you all the best on your journey! If you would like to know more about Body By Vi, let me know I will share it with you! http://canmilitarywife.bodybyvi.com/

  4. you goooo guys.. I am rootin for ya !!! Love my soldiers

  5. I too will join. I suffer from depression and PTSD (crime victim)...I used to be skinny and have gained wait dealing with the stress and depression from what happened to me. Any advice on how to deal with PTSD would help. I know I need to start couunseling back up again. tonight will be my first Y!12SR class (yoga 12 step recovery program---as I grew up with an alcoholic and suffered lots of emotional and verbal abuse) which is why I think I was susceptible to being a victim of such a violent and emotional crime.

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