Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Veterans response to Governor Christie

I received this email just now from a Veteran of the United States ARMY who gave me the ok to post this but wanted to remain anonymous, I will respect that request.

Dear Mr. Governor, 

I am a current member of the United States Army and currently deployed, I am not a front lines guy, I do not put my life on the line every day in combat but I am a soldier.  You see my job is to prep bodies of fallen soldiers killed in action for their journey home.  I also am involved in coordinating ramp ceremonies for fallen soldiers before they return home as well.  If you have never seen a ramp ceremony I might suggest you do a YouTube search on them but I guarantee none of them have "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston playing during them.

I've been doing this for almost four years now and have seen more men and women flying home in a flag draped casket that anyone in their lifetime would see but it's my job and how I serve the country.  Last year a close friend of mine was KIA and I prepared him for the ceremony, and got on the plane with him and accompanied him home.  There was no flags at half mass however about 1000 people lined the street near the church including members of The Patriot Guard who stood watch to keep certain members of the Westboro Wackos from protesting.

Whitney Houston was a great singer, and yes she had donated some "Pocket Change" of her multi millions to charity but for you to lower the flag in her honour is a slap in the face to every one of those soldiers I have sent home.  You say that the flag have been lowered for every soldier from New Jersey under your administration which is great but again I some how feel when you do this for a "Drugged out pop star" that will in my opinion be tainted.  

I am not saying that soldiers are perfect and that none of us have ever done drugss or had to go in rehab either, no one is perfect and we all have our faults but when our heroes return home people also don't dig up their life story and see any bad things they may have done but still they have all served for our country, put their lives on the line for every citizen out there and given the ultimate sacrifice.  I feel sorry for her young daughter who is now without a mother, my thoughts and prayers do go out to Whitney Houstons family & friends.

To all the families who have lost love ones to any sort of conflict my thoughts and prayers are with you all and your sons and daughters were all heroes and always will be to me.

Due to my current active role I am not signing this with my name but I wanted speak my mind as per our decision.


  1. The Whitney Houston issue aside... I have to ask: How do you do it? I have to say, I could not do what you do. I simply do not have the emotional strength of character. Just reading your post is breakin' my heart!!

    God Bless you brother(sister).... you're goin' to heaven.


  2. Dear Soldier...
    I am not a veteran, but have been a member of the MN Patriot Guard Riders for a few years now. I am part of the group of motorcyclists that stand with honor, dignity and respect for every veteran. I have been at troop sendoffs, welcome homes and funerals of soldiers KIA. Just this morning I submitted to Craigslist something similar to your letter. I am appalled that this honor was bestowed on Whitney Houston. It's not that I didn't like her singing either. She does not deserve this greatest honor. As a proud MNPGR member, I thank you for your service and dedication!

    1. Thank you for protecting the families of the fallen ... God knows they have been through enough.

    2. Well said MN Patriot, ride safe BROTHER,may the wind be at your back and the road be clear ahead.

  3. Wow ... I concur with Roysie's comment ... I too could not do what you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for preparing the men & women who have paid the ultimate in giving us our freedom and giving them the dignity and respect they have more than earned ... We can never thank you or them enough. God bless and protect each and every one of you. YOUR job is just as important as that of a front line soldier because in the end, they will know that they have had you to send them home with the highest regard & respect.

  4. If Whitney "deserves" this honor for all her contributions to society as it is put in the article, then Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendixs and all the other dead entertainers do also. American politrickers are at a new low.


  5. Dearest Soldier,

    Thank you. You have my respect and gratitude for all that you do for our fallen brothers and sisters. I lost a very good friend, an "adopted" nephew actually, over a year ago in Afghanistan and it's reassuring to know that he was treated with such honor.
    I've heard about the "Angel Flights", and I heard about my nephew's return flight home. I know I could never do what you do, and I know that he probably didn't fly home with you specifically, but to know that he was in good and caring hands is very comforting.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, and you have my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your friend.

  6. I totally agree that she does not deserve this honor. That is reserved for the men and women that have given their lives so that we can live in the USA as we do everyday. I was so appalled when I heard that on the news this morning. This needs to be stopped.

  7. God Bless you for what you do for our country. It is a disgrace to give Whitney Houston an honor that should remain an honor for our fallen soldiers and first responders. I agree with you 100% in what you wrote. Gov. Christi's decision is making a mockery of what a hero really is and what our American flag truly represents. If he wants to honor her there are other ways of doing so in my opinion. God Bless you and the others that are doing your part to defend our freedom. Thank you!

  8. I am from a family who had members whom served in the armed forces, and I am utterly pissed to find out that they flew the flag at half staff for a drugged up alchoholic idiot like whitney houston. She didn't contribute anything like our fine men and women fighting for our freedom do each and everyday. This event totally taints what was meant to be an event to honor our fallen sons and daughters. I don't know if I will be able to look at a half staff flag the same ever again, cause next time it might be flown for some doped out insignificant wanna be gang banger. This is just utter CRAP. That govenor should be botted out of office. She/He should be tride for treason cause in my book it is un-american and tradorism. What abuse of power will they use next...

  9. oh and I forgot something else....
    The only other people whom deserve that greatest of honor is Police Officers and Fire Fighters cause they too put there lives on the line for us....

  10. I do not begrudge the Governor's lowering of the flag for Whitney Houston as a slap in the face to our fallen heroes. I do not believe Whitney would see it in the same way either. I do not think she would have thought herself worthy enough for that. She was a woman, who had faults who brought many people together in song. Was she perfect? Far from it. Yet, she paid her price for her lifestyle. I see her as a young vibrant woman who went the wrong way. I forgive her the drugged out life she lived. Her voice was pure and one has only to listen to her Star Spangled Banner to see her patriotism, and her obedience to the reverence to that wonderful song. She doesn't get distracted by her range of chords or grab her crotch like Roseanne Barr...or others who wish to make a statement. She was a young choir singer who got caught up in the ravages of fame at a young age. She could be one of any of us yet she was Whitney who succumbed to drugs. We should honor many who are not recognized. Let us remember all who died in honor whether they were a hero by your usual standard or perhaps a veteran who also went down the wrong path. I hope she is resting in peace now. I think you could never pay me enough to have that type of fame. It is full of too many temptations for anyone who is unsure of themselves and is tempted by that call. I laud soldier's for their bravery as four of my brothers were soldiers, including war where one earned a Purple Heart. My husband was a Marine as was his Father who earned a Purple Heart in WWII. Thank you all for your service. I so appreciate you and hope that you will cut the Gov. a little slack as he honors a woman who may have been troubled but did positively influence young; as a mom I know she did that for my daughters who are healthy adults, with families of their own.

  11. What a sick world we live in , the media today has been all about the death of Whitney Housten, in the recent past it was all about Amy Winehouse, Micael Jackson , people worth millions of pounds (dollars) who constructed there own demise, lived with the arrogance that they could abuse whatever they want to , when they want to , and thought they could beat the natural consequences of such recklessness , Do I pity them YES A few indivduals who through there own volition went down the path of self destruction ....Lowering the flag for these type of people No Never ... This should be reserved for heros of this world , the true hero's, the fallen soldiers of the free world This is their right
    Its sad for the people that loved her,and my sincere condolences go to them , but No her death does not warrant this heroic display

  12. Well said. I loved Whitney's voice and songs, but to put her on the same pedastol as our fallen heroes just isn't right.

  13. My dearest Soldier,
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do. My son has served for 6 years and Thanks be to God, he came back safely. I do not think that Whitney Houston deserves this honor. I love Whitney's music and movies. I thought she was beautiful...on the outside. I am so sorry for her daughter and the rest of her family. The fact remains, she was not worthy of the flag flying at half mass in her honor! She was NOT a hero! Our troops ARE and always will be!

    1. First, to "GrannyPink" here's hoping you rest in peace as well.

      Secondly, I am an imperfect Christian as was Whitney and the rest of the Christians out there! I am also a proud veteran who served my awesome country as a Woman Marine.

      Many of my Marine Corps friends were killed or didn't make it back to our shores in one piece. Many still suffer from PTSD which has affected many families.

      We all proudly served our country and her citizens. We don't expect any grand medals, shiny awards, or even a ticker tape parade.
      It would be nice however to get a firm hand shake and a warm hug, from the grateful citizens we served.

      Each one of us has or had two parents and a family and friends that hopefully loved us. They cherished us, prayed for us while we were on foreign soil, wrote to us and were thrilled when we came home safely. I doubt that any of us ever expected the flag to fly at half mast as we returned.

      Now, as far as Govenor Christie the act of ordering the American flag to fly at half mast in New Jersey for Miss Houston, prostitutes the sole purpose: to honor a veteran or well-known and popular politition who has honorably served America, this "shining city on a hill." It is my opinion that Govenor Christie has set a {disrespectful] precedent. Shame on him.

      God Bless you dear soldier for proudly serving in the Army for this great United States of America!!! YOU are the kind of soldier that "brings pride to every American heart." Thank you for the service you perform for your fallen soldiers, and their families and friends. I believe God will have a ticker tape parade for you and all veterans when we get to Heaven!

  14. I am ex Royal Navy and also was atached to an army regiment,

    I sincerely thank ALL the servicemen and servicewomen that fight to protect our freedom!
    As so many others have said - It is an utter disgrace to fly the flag at half mast for a drug abuser/singer.
    I loved a lot of Whitney Houston's songs but she was a pop singer and did she ever put her life on the line for her country??? As if that wasn't bad enough (which it still would be) to then offer this honour to a person who has abused drugs and been the orchestrator of their own demise after a significantly 'troubled' life is just plain disgusting....Give here a star on some walkway, add her name to the R&B hall of fame or whatever but how dare this governor offer her the honour which should only be for truly great people who risk life and limb for the freedom of the rest of us!

    Paul (UK)

  15. First--Thank you for your service--your job is a very important and humbling one Im sure---and heart-wreching in times when friends are involved..You are a very strong Soldier!!! God bless you....Second---I too disagree with lowering the flag for a person who was not what I would consider a Hero--Yes, her music was good n yes she was someones daughter n mother but in the end all her freedoms like our own were hers because of our true Heroes--our Troops and first responders that save lives and defend them...Whitney entertained people----Soldiers save them----therein lies the difference in my opinion....Blessing to her family,it always hurts to lose a loved one but I disagree with a Soldiers honor beonig bestowed on her....
